AN 763: Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Device Design Guidelines

ID 683192
Date 5/17/2022
Document Table of Contents

4.2.1. Flash Update with HPS Reboot

GUIDELINE: If your system can tolerate having the HPS undergo a reboot in order to perform FPGA reconfiguration, then you should use the flash update with processor reboot method.

Instead of reconfiguring the FPGA, you can update the FPGA image stored in flash and reset the HPS. When the HPS reboots, the new FPGA image in flash is loaded and configured into the FPGA. This flow is similar to the one that many other embedded products such as cellular telephones, network routers, and television sets use to update firmware where the firmware is updated in flash, and the device is then rebooted for the new firmware to take effect.

This method of reconfiguring the FPGA hardware is ideal because it does not require hardware designers to partition the FPGA logic into a hierarchical design consisting of static and dynamic regions combined with partial reconfiguration. This method is supported in both Standard and Pro editions of Intel® Quartus® Prime.