Cyclone® V Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683126
Date 12/03/2024
Document Table of Contents Changing Values That Affect Main Clock Group PLL Lock

To change any value that affects the VCO lock of the main clock group PLL including the hardware-managed clocks, software must put the main PLL in bypass mode, which causes all the main PLL output clocks to be driven by the osc1_clk clock. Software must detect PLL lock by reading the lock status register prior to taking the main PLL out of bypass mode.

Once a PLL is locked, changes to any PLL VCO frequency that are 20 percent or less do not cause the PLL to lose lock. Iteratively changing the VCO frequency in increments of 20 percent or less allow a slow ramp of the VCO base frequency without loss of lock. For example, to change a VCO frequency by 40% without losing lock, change the frequency by 20%, then change it again by 16.7%.