Intel® Arria® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683711
Date 1/10/2023

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Document Table of Contents Secure Debug

Debug logic in the Security Manager controls whether to enable or disable the JTAG, CPUs, Debug Access Port (DAP) and CoreSight* domains. Debug access is determined by a combination of debug fuses, option bits, and registers that change the default state and set the functional state of debug peripherals.

During a power-on reset, access to all debug domains are prevented. During a warm reset, access to all debug domains except JTAG are prevented. Once a cold or warm reset is exited, the default debug access is defined by the value of the dbg_disable_access fuse and the dbg_lock* fuses. When the dbg_disable_access fuse is blown, HPS debug accesses to all domains are disabled by default out of reset. If the fuse is not blown, then the initial HPS debug state out of reset is enabled. To ensure that the device is brought up in a secure state, the dbg_disable_access fuse must be blown.