Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1409334287899
Ixiasoft The status Register The estatus Register The bstatus Register The ienable Register The ipending Register The cpuid Register The exception Register The pteaddr Register The tlbacc Register The tlbmisc Register The badaddr Register The config Register The mpubase Register The mpuacc Register
3.7.1. Terminology
3.7.2. Exception Overview
3.7.3. Exception Latency
3.7.4. Reset Exceptions
3.7.5. Break Exceptions
3.7.6. Interrupt Exceptions
3.7.7. Instruction-Related Exceptions
3.7.8. Other Exceptions
3.7.9. Exception Processing Flow
3.7.10. Handling Nested Exceptions
3.7.11. Handling Nonmaskable Interrupts
3.7.12. Masking and Disabling Exceptions Trap Instruction Break Instruction Unimplemented Instruction Illegal Instruction Supervisor-Only Instruction Supervisor-Only Instruction Address Supervisor-Only Data Address Misaligned Data Address Misaligned Destination Address Division Error Fast TLB Miss Double TLB Miss TLB Permission Violation MPU Region Violation
3.9.1. Data Transfer Instructions
3.9.2. Arithmetic and Logical Instructions
3.9.3. Move Instructions
3.9.4. Comparison Instructions
3.9.5. Shift and Rotate Instructions
3.9.6. Program Control Instructions
3.9.7. Other Control Instructions
3.9.8. Custom Instructions
3.9.9. No-Operation Instruction
3.9.10. Potential Unimplemented Instructions
8.5.1. add
8.5.2. addi
8.5.3. and
8.5.4. andhi
8.5.5. andi
8.5.6. beq
8.5.7. bge
8.5.8. bgeu
8.5.9. bgt
8.5.10. bgtu
8.5.11. ble
8.5.12. bleu
8.5.13. blt
8.5.14. bltu
8.5.15. bne
8.5.16. br
8.5.17. break
8.5.18. bret
8.5.19. call
8.5.20. callr
8.5.21. cmpeq
8.5.22. cmpeqi
8.5.23. cmpge
8.5.24. cmpgei
8.5.25. cmpgeu
8.5.26. cmpgeui
8.5.27. cmpgt
8.5.28. cmpgti
8.5.29. cmpgtu
8.5.30. cmpgtui
8.5.31. cmple
8.5.32. cmplei
8.5.33. cmpleu
8.5.34. cmpleui
8.5.35. cmplt
8.5.36. cmplti
8.5.37. cmpltu
8.5.38. cmpltui
8.5.39. cmpne
8.5.40. cmpnei
8.5.41. custom
8.5.42. div
8.5.43. divu
8.5.44. eret
8.5.45. flushd
8.5.46. flushda
8.5.47. flushi
8.5.48. flushp
8.5.49. initd
8.5.50. initda
8.5.51. initi
8.5.52. jmp
8.5.53. jmpi
8.5.54. ldb / ldbio
8.5.55. ldbu / ldbuio
8.5.56. ldh / ldhio
8.5.57. ldhu / ldhuio
8.5.58. ldw / ldwio
8.5.59. mov
8.5.60. movhi
8.5.61. movi
8.5.62. movia
8.5.63. movui
8.5.64. mul
8.5.65. muli
8.5.66. mulxss
8.5.67. mulxsu
8.5.68. mulxuu
8.5.69. nextpc
8.5.70. nop
8.5.71. nor
8.5.72. or
8.5.73. orhi
8.5.74. ori
8.5.75. rdctl
8.5.76. rdprs
8.5.77. ret
8.5.78. rol
8.5.79. roli
8.5.80. ror
8.5.81. sll
8.5.82. slli
8.5.83. sra
8.5.84. srai
8.5.85. srl
8.5.86. srli
8.5.87. stb / stbio l
8.5.88. sth / sthio
8.5.89. stw / stwio
8.5.90. sub
8.5.91. subi
8.5.92. sync
8.5.93. trap
8.5.94. wrctl
8.5.95. wrprs
8.5.96. xor
8.5.97. xorhi
8.5.98. xori
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1409334287899
Ixiasoft The tlbmisc Register
The tlbmisc register contains the remaining TLB-related fields and is only available in systems with an MMU.
Bit Fields | |||||||||||||||
31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 |
Reserved | EE | WAY | RD | WE | PID | ||||||||||
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
PID | DBL | BAD | PERM | D |
Field | Description | Access | Reset | Available |
EE | If this field is a 1, a software-triggered ECC error (1, 2, or 3 bit error) occurred because software initiated a TLB read operation. Only set this field to 1 if CONFIG.ECCEN is 1. | Read/Write | 0 | Only with MMU and EEC |
WAY | The WAY field controls the mapping from the VPN to a particular TLB entry. This field size is variable. Unused upper bits must be written as zero. |
Read/Write | 0 | Only with MMU |
RD | RD is the read flag. Setting RD to one triggers a TLB read operation. | Write | 0 | Only with MMU |
WE | WE is the TLB write enable flag. When WE = 1, a write to tlbacc writes through to a TLB entry. | Read/Write | 0 | Only with MMU |
PID | PID is the process identifier field. This field size is variable. Unused upper bits must be written as zero. |
Read/Write | 0 | Only with MMU |
DBL | DBL is the double TLB miss exception flag. | Read | 0 | Only with MMU |
BAD | BAD is the bad virtual address exception flag. | Read | 0 | Only with MMU |
PERM | PERM is the TLB permission violation exception flag. | Read | 0 | Only with MMU |
D | D is the data access exception flag. When D = 1, the exception is a data access exception. When D = 0, the exception is an instruction access exception. | Read | 0 | Only with MMU |
For DBL, BAD, and PERM fields you can also use exception.CAUSE to determine these exceptions.
The following sections provide more information about the tlbmisc fields.