GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 4/01/2024

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3.3.5. FEC Options

The GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP supports various FEC modes. You can enable this functionality in the parameter editor by selecting the Enable FEC option in the FEC Options tab. If Enable FEC is off, then FEC Mode option is grayed out in the GUI.

The GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP supports the following FEC modes:

  • IEEE 802.3 Firecode (2112, 2080) (CL74)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528, 514) (CL 91)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528, 514) (CL 91) ETC
  • Fibre Channel RS (528, 514)
  • OTU25u RS (528, 514)
Figure 44. FEC Options in Parameter Editor
Table 23.  FEC Parameters
Parameter Values Description
Enable FEC On/Off Enables or disables the FEC module. Default value is Off.
FEC Mode
  • IEEE 802.3 Base-R Firecode (CL74)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528,514) (CL 91)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528,514) (CL 91) ETC
  • Fiber Channel RS (528,514)
  • OTU25u RS (528,514)
Specifies the FEC mode for various topologies. Default value is IEEE 802.3 Base-R Firecode (CL74).
Note: All the FEC options are available for the data rates supported by the device.
Enable FEC loopback On/Off Enables loopback for the FEC mode. Default value is Off.