GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 4/01/2024

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3.1.2. FEC Direct Supported Modes

The GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP supports the following for FEC Direct modes:

  • IEEE 802.3 BASE-R Firecode (2112, 2080) (CL 74)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528, 514) (CL 91)
  • IEEE 802.3 RS (528, 514) (CL 91) ETC
  • Fibre Channel RS (528,514)
  • OTU25u RS (528,514)
  • Supports only the System PLL clocking mode
  • Supports only the duplex operation mode
  • Only 4x10GE-1 FEC is supported and every lane is treated independently
  • All FEC modes support 1G to GTS transceiver maximum supported data rate

You can enable the FEC Direct mode in the IP parameter editor by turning on the Enable FEC option. The FEC Direct modes with FEC specifications are topology dependent to achieve different BER. FEC data to and from the PCS is 33 bits. On the PMA interface side, FEC data from and to the PMA interface is 33 bits wide for Firecode FEC and 40 bits for RS-FEC. For designs that include FEC, the gearbox enables automatically. The gearbox option for Firecode FEC is 32:33 and 32:40 for RS-FEC.

Table 15.  FEC Direct IP Configuration Mode Support
Clocking Mode FEC Mode Double Width/ Single Width 24 PMA Interface Width PMA Interface FIFO (TX/RX) Core Interface FIFO (TX/RX)

System PLL Clocking

Firecode FEC (2112, 2080) CL74 DW 32 Elastic/Elastic Phase Compensation/Phase Compensation
RS-FEC (528, 514) CL91 DW 32 Elastic/Elastic Phase Compensation/Phase Compensation
RS-FEC (528, 514) CL91 ETC DW 32 Elastic/Elastic Phase Compensation/Phase Compensation
Fibre Channel RS (528, 514) DW 32 Elastic/Elastic Phase Compensation/Phase Compensation
OTU25u RS (528, 514) DW 32 Elastic/Elastic Phase Compensation/Phase Compensation
24 The Double width (DW) mode is when the Enable TX/RX double width transfer parameter in the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP GUI is enabled. When it is enabled, you can clock the FPGA core logic with a half rate clock. Single width (SW) mode is when this parameter is not enabled.