Visible to Intel only — GUID: jxc1565358307720
1. Release Information
2. External Memory Interfaces Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA IP Introduction
3. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP Product Architecture
4. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP End-User Signals
5. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF – Simulating Memory IP
6. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP for DDR3
7. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP for LPDDR3
8. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP Timing Closure
9. Optimizing Controller Performance
10. Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP Debugging
11. External Memory Interfaces Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA IP User Guide Archives
12. Document Revision History for Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX External Memory Interfaces FPGA IP User Guide pll_ref_clk for DDR3 pll_locked for DDR3 pll_extra_clk_0 for DDR3 pll_extra_clk_1 for DDR3 pll_extra_clk_2 for DDR3 pll_extra_clk_3 for DDR3 oct for DDR3 mem for DDR3 status for DDR3 afi_reset_n for DDR3 afi_clk for DDR3 afi_half_clk for DDR3 afi for DDR3 emif_usr_reset_n for DDR3 emif_usr_clk for DDR3 emif_usr_reset_n_sec for DDR3 emif_usr_clk_sec for DDR3 cal_debug_reset_n for DDR3 cal_debug_clk for DDR3 cal_debug_out_reset_n for DDR3 cal_debug_out_clk for DDR3 clks_sharing_master_out for DDR3 clks_sharing_slave_in for DDR3 clks_sharing_slave_out for DDR3 ctrl_amm for DDR3 ctrl_auto_precharge for DDR3 ctrl_user_priority for DDR3 ctrl_ecc_user_interrupt for DDR3 ctrl_ecc_readdataerror for DDR3 ctrl_mmr_slave for DDR3 cal_debug for DDR3 cal_debug_out for DDR3 pll_ref_clk for LPDDR3 pll_locked for LPDDR3 pll_extra_clk_0 for LPDDR3 pll_extra_clk_1 for LPDDR3 pll_extra_clk_2 for LPDDR3 pll_extra_clk_3 for LPDDR3 oct for LPDDR3 mem for LPDDR3 status for LPDDR3 afi_reset_n for LPDDR3 afi_clk for LPDDR3 afi_half_clk for LPDDR3 afi for LPDDR3 emif_usr_reset_n for LPDDR3 emif_usr_clk for LPDDR3 cal_debug_reset_n for LPDDR3 cal_debug_clk for LPDDR3 cal_debug_out_reset_n for LPDDR3 cal_debug_out_clk for LPDDR3 clks_sharing_master_out for LPDDR3 clks_sharing_slave_in for LPDDR3 clks_sharing_slave_out for LPDDR3 ctrl_user_priority for LPDDR3 ctrl_mmr_slave for LPDDR3 cal_debug for LPDDR3 cal_debug_out for LPDDR3
4.4.1. ctrlcfg0
4.4.2. ctrlcfg1
4.4.3. dramtiming0
4.4.4. sbcfg1
4.4.5. caltiming0
4.4.6. caltiming1
4.4.7. caltiming2
4.4.8. caltiming3
4.4.9. caltiming4
4.4.10. caltiming9
4.4.11. dramaddrw
4.4.12. sideband0
4.4.13. sideband1
4.4.14. sideband2
4.4.15. sideband3
4.4.16. sideband4
4.4.17. sideband5
4.4.18. sideband6
4.4.19. sideband7
4.4.20. sideband8
4.4.21. sideband9
4.4.22. sideband10
4.4.23. sideband11
4.4.24. sideband12
4.4.25. sideband13
4.4.26. dramsts
4.4.27. niosreserve0
4.4.28. niosreserve1
4.4.29. ecc3: ECC Error and Interrupt Configuration
4.4.30. ecc4: Status and Error Information
4.4.31. ecc5: Address of Most Recent SBE/DBE
4.4.32. ecc6: Address of Most Recent Correction Command Dropped
6.1.1. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: General
6.1.2. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: FPGA I/O
6.1.3. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Memory
6.1.4. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Mem I/O
6.1.5. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Mem Timing
6.1.6. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Board
6.1.7. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Controller
6.1.8. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Diagnostics
6.1.9. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP DDR3 Parameters: Example Designs
7.1.1. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: General
7.1.2. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: FPGA I/O
7.1.3. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Memory
7.1.4. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Mem I/O
7.1.5. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Mem Timing
7.1.6. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Board
7.1.7. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Controller
7.1.8. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Diagnostics
7.1.9. Intel Cyclone 10 GX EMIF IP LPDDR3 Parameters: Example Designs
9.4.1. Auto-Precharge Commands
9.4.2. Latency
9.4.3. Calibration
9.4.4. Bank Interleaving
9.4.5. Additive Latency and Bank Interleaving
9.4.6. User-Controlled Refresh
9.4.7. Frequency of Operation
9.4.8. Series of Reads or Writes
9.4.9. Data Reordering
9.4.10. Starvation Control
9.4.11. Command Reordering
9.4.12. Bandwidth
9.4.13. Enable Command Priority Control
10.1. Interface Configuration Performance Issues
10.2. Functional Issue Evaluation
10.3. Timing Issue Characteristics
10.4. Verifying Memory IP Using the Signal Tap II Logic Analyzer
10.5. Hardware Debugging Guidelines
10.6. Categorizing Hardware Issues
10.7. Debugging Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX EMIF IP
10.8. Using the Traffic Generator with the Generated Design Example
10.5.1. Create a Simplified Design that Demonstrates the Same Issue
10.5.2. Measure Power Distribution Network
10.5.3. Measure Signal Integrity and Setup and Hold Margin
10.5.4. Vary Voltage
10.5.5. Operate at a Lower Speed
10.5.6. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in Previous Versions of Software
10.5.7. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in the Current Version of Software
10.5.8. Try A Different PCB
10.5.9. Try Other Configurations
10.5.10. Debugging Checklist
Visible to Intel only — GUID: jxc1565358307720
10.8. Using the Traffic Generator with the Generated Design Example
This topic provides tips for using the generated design example with the traffic generator to assist in design evaluation and debugging.
For general information about the generated EMIF design example, refer to the External Memory Interfaces Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX FPGA IP Design Example User Guide .
- Create an Intel® Quartus® Prime project and open your EMIF IP in the parameter editor.
- In the parameter editor, set the correct parameter values for your memory interface, including correct board timing values for your PCB.
- On the Diagnostics tab, set Calibration Debug options > Quartus Prime EMIF Debug Toolkit/On-chip Debug Port to Add EMIF Debug Interface. This step creates connectivity to the EMIF Toolkit for debugging.
- On the Example Designs tab:
- Select Synthesis.
- Select the HDL format that you want.
- Set Target Development Kit > Select Board to None. This setting ensures that the design example is generated for your specific device part number.
- At the top right corner of the parameter editor, click Generate Example Design. The system generates the design example and populates the top-level project directory with the IP file directories:
- ed_synth.qsys is the design example Platform Designer file and includes the EMIF IP, the traffic generator, RZQ, and reset splitter components.
- ed_synth.qpf is the design example project.
- Open the generated design example project, ed_synth.qpf, and verify that the device part number is correct.
- By default, the traffic generator is configured to run through one iteration of its tests. For general debugging, you may find it preferable to let the tests run continuously. To configure the tests to run continuously:
- Locate the ed_synth.v file in the /synth directory, and open the file in a text editor.
- Search for .TEST_DURATION ("SHORT"), and change it to .TEST_DURATION ("INFINITE"),.
- Save your change.
Note: Running the traffic generator in infinite mode is not applicable for use with RLDRAM 3 EMIF IPs. - At this point it is advisable, though not mandatory, to run analysis and elaboration. Doing so helps show project structure and verify assignments.
- For each of the following top-level signals, either add virtual pins or route them out to external pins connected to test points for monitoring with an oscilloscope or LEDs:
- local_cal_success
- local_cal_fail
- traffic_gen_pass
- traffic_gen_fail
- traffic_gen_timeout
- Add pin location assignments for your PCB.
- Add Signal Tap to the project. The following are recommended signals to tap:
Pins: All global_reset_n local_cal_success local_cal_fail traffic_gen_pass traffic_gen_fail traffic_gen_timeout Signal Tap II Pre-synthesis and search for signal names with wildcards as appropriate Pass-not-fail signals pnf_per_bit pnf_per_bit_persist Avalon bus signals amm_read_0 amm_readdatavalid_0 amm_ready_0 amm_write_0 amm_address_0 amm_burstcount_0 amm_byteenable_0 amm_readdata_0 amm_writedata_0 For the Signa Tap clock, Signal Tap II: Pre-synthesis emif_user_clk - In the Intel® Quartus® Prime Device Settings, set Device & Pin Options > Unused Pins to As input tri-stated with weak pullup. Set the default I/O standard as appropriate.
- Compile your project.
- Check the Timing Analyzer Report DDR report and verify that the project meets timing requirements and that pinouts are as expected.
Information on Traffic Generator status signals
- The pnf_per_bit signals are one bit for each bit on the Avalon interface. For a 32-bit-wide memory interface, this equals 256 bits for a quarter-rate interface.
- pnf_per_bit[x] is high when the test is working correctly and is a transitory signal going low if incorrect data is seen.
- pnf_per_bit_persist[x] is the same as pnf_per_bit but once set low , it stays low.
- The mapping of the pnf bits is dependent on the memory bus width and the Avalon interface bus width. The standard DDR3 memory access cycle is a burst length of 8. An example mapping for a 32-bit-wide memory interface is shown below. A similar mapping approach applies to any other supported interface memory bus width.
- pnf[0] maps to dq[0] for the 1st beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[1] maps to dq[1] for the 1st beat of the memory bus burst
- ...
- pnf[31] maps to dq[31] for the 1st beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[32] maps to dq[0] for the 2nd beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[64] maps to dq[0] for the 3rd beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[96] maps to dq[0] for the 4th beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[128] maps to dq[0] for the 5th beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[160] maps to dq[0] for the 6th beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[192] maps to dq[0] for the 7th beat of the memory bus burst
- pnf[224] maps to dq[0] for the 8th beat of the memory bus burst
- And so forth.
- The traffic_gen_pass signals goes high if there are no bit errors and the test loops for a specific number of cycles. If you have configured the traffic generator to operate with infinite test duration, traffic_gen_pass never goes high.
- traffic_gen_fail goes high whenever a pnf signal goes low, regardless of how many loops the test runs.
- traffic_gen_timeout goes high when there is a timeout due to a problem with the traffic generator; such occurrences are extremely rare.