Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410931496224
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bhc1410931496224
Ixiasoft Command_Config Register (Dword Offset 0x02)
At the minimum, you must configure the TX_ENA and RX_ENA bits to 1 to start the MAC operations. When configuring the command_config register, Altera recommends that you configure the TX_ENA and RX_ENA bits the last because the MAC immediately starts its operations once these bits are set to 1.
Bit(s) | Name | R/W | Description | HW Reset |
0 | TX_ENA | RW | Transmit enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable the transmit datapath. The MAC clears this bit following a hardware or software reset. See the SW_RESET bit description. | 0 |
1 | RX_ENA | RW | Receive enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable the receive datapath. The MAC clears this bit following a hardware or software reset. See the SW_RESET bit description. | 0 |
2 | XON_GEN | RW | Pause frame generation. When you set this bit to 1, the MAC generates a pause frame with a pause quanta of 0, independent of the status of the receive FIFO buffer. | 0 |
3 | ETH_SPEED | RW | Ethernet speed control.
When the MAC operates in gigabit mode, the eth_mode signal is asserted. This bit is not available in the small MAC variation. |
0 |
4 | PROMIS_EN | RW | Promiscuous enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable promiscuous mode. In this mode, the MAC receives all frames without address filtering. | 0 |
5 | PAD_EN | RW | Padding removal on receive. Set this bit to 1 to remove padding from receive frames before the MAC forwards the frames to the user application. This bit has no effect on transmit frames. This bit is not available in the small MAC variation. |
0 |
6 | CRC_FWD | RW | CRC forwarding on receive.
0 |
7 | PAUSE_FWD | RW | Pause frame forwarding on receive.
0 |
8 | PAUSE_IGNORE | RW | Pause frame processing on receive.
0 |
9 | TX_ADDR_INS | RW | MAC address on transmit.
0 |
10 | HD_ENA | RW | Half-duplex enable.
0 |
11 | EXCESS_COL | RO | Excessive collision condition.
0 |
12 | LATE_COL | RO | Late collision condition.
0 |
13 | SW_RESET | RW | Software reset. Set this bit to 1 to trigger a software reset. The MAC clears this bit when it completes the software reset sequence. When software reset is triggered, the MAC completes the current transmission or reception, and subsequently disables the transmit and receive logic, flushes the receive FIFO buffer, and resets the statistics counters. |
0 |
14 | MHASH_SEL | RW | Hash-code mode selection for multicast address resolution.
0 |
15 | LOOP_ENA | RW | Local loopback enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable local loopback on the RGMII/GMII/MII of the MAC. The MAC sends transmit frames back to the receive path. This bit is not available in the small MAC variation. |
0 |
16 – 18 | TX_ADDR_SEL[2:0] | RW | Source MAC address selection on transmit. If you set the TX_ADDR_INS bit to 1, the value of these bits determines the MAC address the MAC selects to overwrite the source MAC address in frames received from the user application.
000 |
19 | MAGIC_ENA | RW | Magic packet detection. Set this bit to 1 to enable magic packet detection. This bit is not available in the small MAC variation. |
0 |
20 | SLEEP | RW | Sleep mode enable. When the MAGIC_ENA bit is 1, set this bit to 1 to put the MAC to sleep and enable magic packet detection. This bit is not available in the small MAC variation. |
0 |
21 | WAKEUP | RO | Node wake-up request. Valid only when the MAGIC_ENA bit is 1.
0 |
22 | XOFF_GEN | RW | Pause frame generation. Set this bit to 1 to generate a pause frame independent of the status of the receive FIFO buffer. The MAC sets the pause quanta field in the pause frame to the value configured in the pause_quant register. | 0 |
23 | CNTL_FRM_ENA | RW | MAC control frame enable on receive.
0 |
24 | NO_LGTH_CHECK | RW | Payload length check on receive.
This bit is not available in the small MAC variation |
0 1 (for small MAC variation) |
25 | ENA_10 | RW | 10-Mbps interface enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable the 10-Mbps interface. The MAC asserts the ena_10 signal when you enable the 10-Mbps interface. You can also enable the 10-Mbps interface by asserting the set_10 signal. | 0 |
26 | RX_ERR_DISC | RW | Erroneous frames processing on receive.
0 |
27 | DISABLE_READ_TIMEOUT | RW | By default, this bit is set to 0. Set this bit to 1 to disable MAC configuration register read timeout. To ensure the configuration register does not wait for read timeout when an error occurs, set this bit to 1. |
0 |
28 – 30 | Reserved | — | — | 000 |
31 | CNT_RESET | RW | Statistics counters reset. Set this bit to 1 to clear the statistics counters. The MAC clears this bit when the reset sequence completes. | 0 |