Triple-Speed Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683402
Date 7/22/2024

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10.6.1. alt_tse_mac_get_common_speed()

Prototype: alt_tse_mac_get_common_speed(np_tse_mac *pmac)
Thread-safe: No
Available from ISR: No
Include: <altera_avalon_tse.h>
Description: The alt_tse_mac_get_common_speed()obtains the common speed supported by the PHYs connected to a multiport MAC and remote link partners.
Parameter: pmac—A pointer to the base of the MAC control interface.
Return: TSE_PHY_SPEED_1000 if the PHYs common speed is 1000 Mbps.
TSE_PHY_SPEED_100 if the PHYs common speed is 100 Mbps.
TSE_PHY_SPEED_10 if the PHYs common speed is 10 Mbps.
TSE_PHY_SPEED_NO_COMMON if there isn’t a common speed among the PHYs.
See also: alt_32 alt_tse_mac_set_common_speed()