AN 802: Intel® Stratix® 10 SoC Device Design Guidelines

ID 683117
Date 12/14/2020

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5.5.2. Source Code Management Considerations

The GSRD build process relies on several git trees that are available online, including:

Note: Intel® provides U-Boot enablement, upstreams to mainline and collaborates with the U-Boot community. Intel® maintains the latest branch (N) with patches being pushed every two weeks. Intel® also provides the previous branch (N-1) but it is not actively maintained. Older branches, and any associated tags, are removed.

GUIDELINE: Manage your own Git repositories and do not assume the contents of the repositories available on the altera-opensource site remains available. Managing Git repositories can be achieved in many ways, such as using a Git service provider. Some benefits of managing your own Git repositories include build reproducibility, source code management and leveraging the distributed model enabled by Git.

The GSRD uses a rootfilesystem built using Yocto recipes. The recipes pull in various open source package sources, and build them into the rootfilesystem. Because some of these recipes are generic, and do not refer to a specific version, the end result may be different from one build to another.

GUIDELINE: If you rebuild the Yocto rootfilesystem and require repeatability, you must keep a copy of the Yocto downloads folder that was used for the build.