GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 5/15/2024

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Document Table of Contents D-STATE STS

The application layer can use this register to obtain the D-State values of each function. It should write appropriate values to the PF Number, VF Number, VF Active, and Slot Number first before issuing a read to obtain the D-State value of the corresponding function.

Default value: 0x0000_0000

Table 80.  D-STATE STS Register
Register Name Bit Location Attribute User Side Description

PF Number.

Indicates the Physical Function Number of Interrupt.

5 RsvdZ Reserved.
16:6 RW

VF Number.

Indicates Virtual Function Number of Interrupt.

17 RsvdZ Reserved.
18 RW

VF Active.

Indicates Virtual Function is generating Interrupt.

23:19 RsvdZ Reserved.
27:24 RsvdZ Reserved
31:28 RO

D-State Value.

Power Management D-State for each function per PF, VF, VF Active, and Slot Number settings above.

  • 0000: Uninitialized or Invalid
  • 0001: D0
  • 0010: D1
  • 0100: D2
  • 1000: D3