GTS AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 813754
Date 5/15/2024

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Document Table of Contents PCI Express* Capability List Register

Address: Offset 0x0

This location identifies the PCI Express* device type and its capabilities. It also contains the Capability ID for the PCI Express Structure and the pointer to the next capability structure.

Table 113.   PCI Express* Capability List Register Description
Bit Location Description Attributes Default
31:30 Reserved RO 0
29:25 Interrupt Message Number RO 0
24 Slot Implemented RO Same as parent PF
23:20 Device/Port Type RO Same as parent PF

Version ID.

Version of PCI Express Capability.

RO Same as parent PF

Next Capability Pointer.

Points to NULL.

RO Programmable
7:0 Capability ID assigned by PCI-SIG. RO Same as parent PF