Arria® 10 and Cyclone® 10 GX Avalon® Streaming Interface for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683647
Date 9/11/2024
Document Table of Contents

2. Quick Start Guide

The Arria® 10 or Cyclone® 10 GX Hard IP for PCI Express* IP core includes a programmed I/O (PIO) design example to help you understand usage. The PIO example transfers data from a host processor to a target device. It is appropriate for low-bandwidth applications. The design example includes an Avalon-ST to Avalon-MM Bridge. This component translates the TLPs received on the PCIe* link to Avalon-MM memory reads and writes to the on-chip memory.

This design example automatically creates the files necessary to simulate and compile in the Quartus® Prime software. You can download the compiled design to the Arria® 10 GX FPGA Development Kit. The design examples cover a wide range of parameters. However, the automatically generated design examples do not cover all possible parameterizations of the PCIe IP Core. If you select an unsupported parameter set, generations fails and provides an error message.

In addition, many static design examples for simulation are only available in the <install_dir>/ip/altera/altera_pcie/altera_pcie_a10_ed/example_design/a10 and <install_dir>/ip/altera/altera_pcie/altera_pcie_a10_ed/example_design/c10 directories.

Figure 4. Development Steps for the Design Example