Stratix® 10 Variable Precision DSP Blocks User Guide

ID 683832
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Vector One Mode

This mode performs floating-point multiplication followed by floating-point addition or subtraction with the chainin input from the previous variable DSP Block. Input ax is directly fed into chainout.

Table 15.  Equations Applied to Vector One Mode
Chainin Parameter Vector One with Floating-Point Addition Vector One with Floating-Point Subtraction

result = ay * az

Chainout = ax

result = ay * az

Chainout = ax


result = (ay * az) + chainin

Chainout = ax

result = (ay * az) - chainin

Chainout = ax

The floating-point vector one mode supports the following exception flags:
  • mult_invalid
  • mult_inexact
  • mult_overflow
  • mult_underflow
  • adder_invalid
  • adder_inexact
  • adder_overflow
  • adder_underflow
Figure 21. Vector One Mode for Stratix® 10 Devices