Stratix® 10 Variable Precision DSP Blocks User Guide

ID 683832
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.5. Signals

Table 47.   ALTMULT_COMPLEX Intel® FPGA IP Input SignalsThe simulation model for this IP supports undetermined input value (X) to the following signals. When you provide X value to these signals, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Signal Required Description
aclr No Asynchronous clear for the complex multiplier. When the aclr signal is asserted high, the function is asynchronously cleared.
sclr No Synchronous clear for the complex multiplier. When the sclr signal is asserted high, the function is asynchronously cleared.
clock Yes Clock input to the ALTMULT_COMPLEX function.
dataa_imag[] Yes Imaginary input value for the data A signal of the complex multiplier. The size of the input signal depends on the How wide should the A input buses be? parameter value.
dataa_real[] Yes Real input value for the data A signal of the complex multiplier. The size of the input signal depends on the How wide should the A input buses be? parameter value.
datab_imag[] Yes Imaginary input value for the data B signal of the complex multiplier. The size of the input signal depends on the How wide should the B input buses be? parameter value.
datab_real[] Yes Real input value for the data B signal of the complex multiplier. The size of the input signal depends on the How wide should the B input buses be? parameter value.
ena No Active high clock enable for the clock signal of the complex multiplier.
Table 48.   ALTMULT_COMPLEX Intel® FPGA IP Output SignalsThe simulation model for this IP supports undetermined output value (X) for the following signals. When you provide X value as an input, the X value is propagated on the output signals.
Signal Required Description
result_imag Yes Imaginary output value of the multiplier. The size of the output signal depends on the WIDTH_RESULT parameter value.
result_real Yes Real output value of the multiplier. The size of the output signal depends on the WIDTH_RESULT parameter value.