Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 8/13/2024
Document Table of Contents Master-Transmitter and Slave-Receiver

All data is transmitted in byte format, with no limit on the number of bytes transferred per data transfer. After the master sends the address and R/W bit or the master transmits a byte of data to the slave, the slave-receiver must respond with the acknowledge signal (ACK). When a slave-receiver does not respond with an ACK pulse, the master aborts the transfer by issuing a STOP condition. The slave must leave the SDA line high so that the master can abort the transfer. †

If the master-transmitter is transmitting data as shown in the following figure, then the slave‑receiver responds to the master-transmitter with an ACK pulse after every byte of data is received. †

Figure 111. Master-Transmitter Protocol †