Agilex™ 7 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683567
Date 8/13/2024
Document Table of Contents MAP01 Commands

MAP01 commands transfer complete pages between the host memory and a specific page of the NAND flash device. Because the MAP01 commands support only page addresses, the entire page must be read or written at once. The actual number of commands required depends on the size of the data transfer. The Command register points to the first page and block in the transfer. You do not change the Command register when you initiate subsequent transactions in the transfer, but only when the entire page is transferred.

When the NAND flash controller receives a read command, it issues a load operation on the device, waits for the load to complete, and then returns read data. Read data must be read from the start of the page to the end of the page.

Write data must be written from the start of the page to the end of the page. When the NAND flash controller receives confirmation of the transfer, it issues commands to program the data into the device.

The flash controller ignores the byte enables for read and write commands and transfers the entire data width.