Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1423076670167
Answers to Top FAQs
1. About DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs
2. DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs Advanced Blockset Getting Started
3. DSP Builder Design Flow
4. Primitive Library Blocks Tutorial
5. IP Tutorial
6. DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs (Advanced Blockset) Design Examples and Reference Designs
7. DSP Builder Design Rules, Design Recommendations, and Troubleshooting
8. About DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs Optimization
9. About Folding
10. Floating-Point Data Types
11. Design Configuration Library
12. IP Library
13. Interfaces Library
14. Primitives Library
15. Utilities Library
16. Simulink Supported Blocks
17. Document Revision History for DSP Builder for Intel FPGAs (Advanced Blockset) Handbook
1.1. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs Features
1.2. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs Design Structure
1.3. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs Libraries
1.4. DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs Device Support
1.5. FPGA Architecture Features for DSP Designs
1.6. DSP Design Flow in FPGAs
1.7. Software and Hardware DSP Design Flows in FPGAs
2.1. Installing DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs
2.2. Licensing DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs
2.3. Starting DSP Builder in MATLAB on Windows
2.4. Starting DSP Builder in MATLAB on Linux
2.5. Browsing DSP Builder Libraries and Adding Blocks to a New Model
2.6. Browsing and Opening DSP Builder Design Examples
2.7. Creating a New DSP Builder Design with the DSP Builder New Model Wizard
2.8. Simulating, Verifying, Generating, and Compiling Your DSP Builder Design
3.1. Implementing your Design in DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
3.2. Verifying your DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design in Simulink and MATLAB
3.3. Exploring DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design Tradeoffs
3.4. Verifying your DSP Builder Design with C++ Software Models
3.5. Verifying your DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design in the ModelSim Simulator
3.6. Verifying Your DSP Builder Design in Hardware
3.7. Integrating Your DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design into Hardware DSP Builder Block Interface Signals Periods Sample Rate Building Multichannel Systems Channelization for Two Channels with a Folding Factor of 3 Channelization for Four Channels with a Folding Factor of 3 Synchronization and Scheduling of Data with the Channel Signal Simulink vs Hardware Design Representations
3.2.1. Verifying your DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design with a Testbench
3.2.2. Running DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Automatic Testbenches
3.2.3. Using DSP Builder Advanced Blockset References
3.2.4. Setting Up Stimulus in DSP Builder Advanced Blockset
3.2.5. Analyzing your DSP Builder Advanced Blockset Design
4.1. Creating a Fibonacci Design from the DSP Builder Primitive Library
4.2. Setting the Parameters on the Testbench Source Blocks
4.3. Simulating the Fibonacci Design in Simulink
4.4. Modifying the DSP Builder Fibonacci Design to Generate Vector Signals
4.5. Simulating the RTL of the Fibonacci Design
5.1. Creating an IP Design
5.2. Simulating the IP Design in Simulink
5.3. Viewing Timing Closure and Viewing Resource Utilization for the DSP Builder IP Design
5.4. Reparameterizing the DSP Builder FIR Filter to Double the Number of Channels
5.5. Doubling the Target Clock Rate for a DSP Builder IP Design
6.1. DSP Builder Design Configuration Block Design Examples
6.2. DSP Builder FFT Design Examples
6.3. DSP Builder DDC Design Example
6.4. DSP Builder Filter Design Examples
6.5. DSP Builder Finite State Machine Design Example
6.6. DSP Builder Folding Design Examples
6.7. DSP Builder Floating Point Design Examples
6.8. DSP Builder Flow Control Design Examples
6.9. DSP Builder HDL Import Design Example
6.10. DSP Builder Host Interface Design Examples
6.11. DSP Builder Fixed-Point Matrix Multiply Engine Design Example
6.12. DSP Builder Platform Design Examples
6.13. DSP Builder Primitive Block Design Examples
6.14. DSP Builder Reference Designs
6.15. DSP Builder Waveform Synthesis Design Examples
6.2.1. FFT
6.2.2. FFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.3. IFFT
6.2.4. IFFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.5. Floating-Point FFT
6.2.6. Floating-Point FFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.7. Floating-Point iFFT
6.2.8. Floating-Point iFFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.9. Multichannel FFT
6.2.10. Multiwire Transpose
6.2.11. Parallel FFT
6.2.12. Parallel Floating-Point FFT
6.2.13. Single-Wire Transpose
6.2.14. Switchable FFT/iFFT
6.2.15. Variable-Size Fixed-Point FFT
6.2.16. Variable-Size Fixed-Point FFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.17. Variable-Size Fixed-Point iFFT
6.2.18. Variable-Size Fixed-Point iFFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.19. Variable-Size Floating-Point FFT
6.2.20. Variable-Size Floating-Point FFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.21. Variable-Size Floating-Point iFFT
6.2.22. Variable-Size Floating-Point iFFT without BitReverseCoreC Block
6.2.23. Variable-Size Low-Resource FFT
6.2.24. Variable-Size Low-Resource Real-Time FFT
6.2.25. Variable-Size Supersampled FFT
6.2.26. Variable-Size Supersampled FFT with Bit-Reverse
6.4.1. Complex FIR Filter
6.4.2. Decimating CIC Filter
6.4.3. Decimating FIR Filter
6.4.4. Filter Chain with Forward Flow Control
6.4.5. FIR Filter with Exposed Bus
6.4.6. Fractional FIR Filter Chain
6.4.7. Fractional-Rate FIR Filter
6.4.8. Half-Band FIR Filter
6.4.9. IIR: Full-rate Fixed-point
6.4.10. IIR: Full-rate Floating-point
6.4.11. Interpolating CIC Filter
6.4.12. Interpolating FIR Filter
6.4.13. Interpolating FIR Filter with Multiple Coefficient Banks
6.4.14. Interpolating FIR Filter with Updating Coefficient Banks
6.4.15. Root-Raised Cosine FIR Filter
6.4.16. Single-Rate FIR Filter
6.4.17. Super-Sample Decimating FIR Filter
6.4.18. Super-Sample Fractional FIR Filter
6.4.19. Super-Sample Interpolating FIR Filter
6.4.20. Variable-Rate CIC Filter
6.7.1. Black-Scholes Floating Point
6.7.2. Double-Precision Real Floating-Point Matrix Multiply
6.7.3. Fine Doppler Estimator
6.7.4. Floating-Point Mandlebrot Set
6.7.5. General Real Matrix Multiply One Cycle Per Output
6.7.6. Newton Root Finding Tutorial Step 1—Iteration
6.7.7. Newton Root Finding Tutorial Step 2—Convergence
6.7.8. Newton Root Finding Tutorial Step 3—Valid
6.7.9. Newton Root Finding Tutorial Step 4—Control
6.7.10. Newton Root Finding Tutorial Step 5—Final
6.7.11. Normalizer
6.7.12. Single-Precision Complex Floating-Point Matrix Multiply
6.7.13. Single-Precision Real Floating-Point Matrix Multiply
6.7.14. Simple Nonadaptive 2D Beamformer
6.8.1. Avalon-ST Interface (Input and Output FIFO Buffer) with Backpressure
6.8.2. Avalon-ST Interface (Output FIFO Buffer) with Backpressure
6.8.3. Kronecker Tensor Product
6.8.4. Parallel Loops
6.8.5. Primitive FIR with Back Pressure
6.8.6. Primitive FIR with Forward Pressure
6.8.7. Primitive Systolic FIR with Forward Flow Control
6.8.8. Rectangular Nested Loop
6.8.9. Sequential Loops
6.8.10. Triangular Nested Loop
6.13.1. 8×8 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
6.13.2. Automatic Gain Control
6.13.3. Bit Combine for Boolean Vectors
6.13.4. Bit Extract for Boolean Vectors
6.13.5. Color Space Converter
6.13.6. CORDIC from Primitive Blocks
6.13.7. Digital Predistortion Forward Path
6.13.8. Fibonacci Series
6.13.9. Folded Vector Sort
6.13.10. Fractional Square Root Using CORDIC
6.13.11. Fixed-point Maths Functions
6.13.12. Gaussian Random Number Generator
6.13.13. Hello World
6.13.14. Hybrid Direct Form and Transpose Form FIR Filter
6.13.15. Loadable Counter
6.13.16. Matrix Initialization of LUT
6.13.17. Matrix Initialization of Vector Memories
6.13.18. Multichannel IIR Filter
6.13.19. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
6.13.20. Reinterpret Cast for Bit Packing and Unpacking
6.13.21. Run-time Configurable Decimating and Interpolating Half-Rate FIR Filter
6.13.22. Square Root Using CORDIC
6.13.23. Test CORDIC Functions with the CORDIC Block
6.13.24. Uniform Random Number Generator
6.13.25. Vector Sort—Sequential
6.13.26. Vector Sort—Iterative
6.13.27. Vector Initialization of Sample Delay
6.13.28. Wide Single-Channel Accumulators
6.14.1. 1-Antenna WiMAX DDC
6.14.2. 2-Antenna WiMAX DDC
6.14.3. 1-Antenna WiMAX DUC
6.14.4. 2-Antenna WiMAX DUC
6.14.5. 4-Carrier, 2-Antenna W-CDMA DDC
6.14.6. 1-Carrier, 2-Antenna W-CDMA DDC
6.14.7. 4-Carrier, 2-Antenna W-CDMA DUC
6.14.8. 4-Carrier, 4-Antenna DUC and DDC for LTE
6.14.9. 1-Carrier, 2-Antenna W-CDMA DDC
6.14.10. 4-Carrier, 2-Antenna High-Speed W-CDMA DUC at 368.64 MHz with Total Rate Change 32
6.14.11. 4-Carrier, 2-Antenna High-Speed W-CDMA DUC at 368.64 MHz with Total Rate Change 48
6.14.12. 4-Carrier, 2-Antenna High-Speed W-CDMA DUC at 307.2 MHz with Total Rate Change 40
6.14.13. Cholesky-based Matrix Inversion
6.14.14. Cholesky Solver Multiple Channels
6.14.15. Crest Factor Reduction
6.14.16. Direct RF with Synthesizable Testbench
6.14.17. Dynamic Decimating FIR Filter
6.14.18. Multichannel QR Decompostion
6.14.19. QR Decompostion
6.14.20. QRD Solver
6.14.21. Reconfigurable Decimation Filter
6.14.22. Single-Channel 10-MHz LTE Transmitter
6.14.23. STAP Radar Forward and Backward Substitution
6.14.24. STAP Radar Steering Generation
6.14.25. STAP Radar QR Decomposition 192x204
6.14.26. Time Delay Beamformer
6.14.27. Transmit and Receive Modem
6.14.28. Variable Integer Rate Decimation Filter
8.1. Associating DSP Builder with MATLAB
8.2. Setting Up Simulink for DSP Builder Designs
8.3. The DSP Builder Windows Shortcut
8.4. Setting DSP Builder Design Parameters with MATLAB Scripts
8.5. Managing your Designs
8.6. How to Manage Latency
8.7. Flow Control in DSP Builder Designs
8.8. Reset Minimization
8.9. About Importing HDL
10.1. DSP Builder Floating-Point Data Type Features
10.2. DSP Builder Supported Floating-Point Data Types
10.3. DSP Builder Round-Off Errors
10.4. Trading Off Logic Utilization and Accuracy in DSP Builder Designs
10.5. Upgrading Pre v14.0 Designs
10.6. Floating-Point Sine Wave Generator Tutorial
10.7. Newton-Raphson Root Finding Tutorial
10.8. Forcing Soft Floating-point Data Types with the Advanced Options
12.1.1. DSP Builder FIR and CIC Filters
12.1.2. DSP Builder FIR Filters
12.1.3. Channel Viewer (ChanView)
12.1.4. Complex Mixer (ComplexMixer)
12.1.5. Decimating CIC
12.1.6. Decimating FIR
12.1.7. Fractional Rate FIR
12.1.8. Interpolating CIC
12.1.9. Interpolating FIR
12.1.10. NCO
12.1.11. Real Mixer (Mixer)
12.1.12. Scale
12.1.13. Single-Rate FIR
13.1.1. Bus Slave (BusSlave)
13.1.2. Bus Stimulus (BusStimulus)
13.1.3. Bus Stimulus File Reader (Bus StimulusFileReader)
13.1.4. External Memory, Memory Read, Memory Write
13.1.5. Register Bit (RegBit)
13.1.6. Register Field (RegField)
13.1.7. Register Out (RegOut)
13.1.8. Shared Memory (SharedMem)
14.3.1. About Pruning and Twiddle for FFT Blocks
14.3.2. Bit Vector Combine (BitVectorCombine)
14.3.3. Butterfly Unit (BFU)
14.3.4. Butterfly I C (BFIC) (Deprecated)
14.3.5. Butterfly II C (BFIIC) (Deprecated)
14.3.6. Choose Bits (ChooseBits)
14.3.7. Crossover Switch (XSwitch)
14.3.8. Dual Twiddle Memory (DualTwiddleMemoryC)
14.3.9. Edge Detect (EdgeDetect)
14.3.10. Floating-Point Twiddle Generator (TwiddleGenF) (Deprecated)
14.3.11. Fully-Parallel FFTs (FFT2P, FFT4P, FFT8P, FFT16P, FFT32P, and FFT64P)
14.3.12. Fully-Parallel FFTs with Flexible Ordering (FFT2X, FFT4X, FFT8X, FFT16X, FFT32X, and FFT64X)
14.3.13. General Multitwiddle and General Twiddle (GeneralMultiTwiddle, GeneralMultVTwiddle, GeneralTwiddle, GeneralVTwiddle)
14.3.14. Hybrid FFT (Hybrid_FFT, HybridVFFT, HybridVFFT_btb)
14.3.15. Multiwire Transpose (MultiwireTranspose)
14.3.16. Multiwire Variable Bit Reverse (MultiwireVariableBitReverse)
14.3.17. Parallel Pipelined FFT (PFFT_Pipe)
14.3.18. Pulse Divider (PulseDivider)
14.3.19. Pulse Multiplier (PulseMultiplier)
14.3.20. Single-Wire Transpose (Transpose)
14.3.21. Split Scalar (SplitScalar)
14.3.22. Streaming FFTs (FFT2, FFT4, VFFT2, and VFFT4)
14.3.23. Stretch Pulse (StretchPulse)
14.3.24. Twiddle Angle (TwiddleAngle)
14.3.25. Twiddle Generator (TwiddleGenC) Deprecated
14.3.26. Twiddle and Variable Twiddle (Twiddle and VTwiddle)
14.3.27. Twiddle ROM (TwiddleRom, TwiddleMultRom and TwiddleRomF (deprecated))
14.4.1. Absolute Value (Abs)
14.4.2. Accumulator (Acc)
14.4.3. Add
14.4.4. Add SLoad (AddSLoad)
14.4.5. AddSub
14.4.6. AddSubFused
14.4.7. AND Gate (And)
14.4.8. Bit Combine (BitCombine)
14.4.9. Bit Extract (BitExtract)
14.4.10. Bit Reverse (BitReverse)
14.4.11. Compare (CmpCtrl)
14.4.12. Complex Conjugate (ComplexConjugate)
14.4.13. Compare Equality (CmpEQ)
14.4.14. Compare Greater Than (CmpGE)
14.4.15. Compare Less Than (CmpLT)
14.4.16. Compare Not Equal (CmpNE)
14.4.17. Constant (Const)
14.4.18. Constant Multiply (Const Mult)
14.4.19. Convert
14.4.20. CORDIC
14.4.21. Counter
14.4.22. Count Leading Zeros, Ones, or Sign Bits (CLZ)
14.4.23. Dual Memory (DualMem)
14.4.24. Demultiplexer (Demux)
14.4.25. Divide
14.4.26. Fanout
14.4.27. FIFO
14.4.28. Floating-point Classifier (FloatClass)
14.4.29. Floating-point Multiply Accumulate (MultAcc)
14.4.30. ForLoop
14.4.31. Load Exponent (LdExp)
14.4.32. Left Shift (LShift)
14.4.33. Loadable Counter (LoadableCounter)
14.4.34. Look-Up Table (Lut)
14.4.35. Loop
14.4.36. Math
14.4.37. Minimum and Maximum (MinMax)
14.4.38. MinMaxCtrl
14.4.39. Multiply (Mult)
14.4.40. Multiplexer (Mux)
14.4.41. NAND Gate (Nand)
14.4.42. Negate
14.4.43. NOR Gate (Nor)
14.4.44. NOT Gate (Not)
14.4.45. OR Gate (Or)
14.4.46. Polynomial
14.4.47. Ready
14.4.48. Reinterpret Cast (ReinterpretCast)
14.4.49. Round
14.4.50. Sample Delay (SampleDelay)
14.4.51. Scalar Product
14.4.52. Select
14.4.53. Sequence
14.4.54. Shift
14.4.55. Sqrt
14.4.56. Subtract (Sub)
14.4.57. Sum of Elements (SumOfElements)
14.4.58. Trig
14.4.59. XNOR Gate (Xnor)
14.4.60. XOR Gate (Xor)
14.6.1. Anchored Delay
14.6.2. Complex to Real-Imag
14.6.3. Enabled Delay Line
14.6.4. Enabled Feedback Delay
14.6.5. Expand Scalar (ExpandScalar)
14.6.6. Finite State Machine
14.6.7. Nested Loops (NestedLoop1, NestedLoop2, NestedLoop3)
14.6.8. Pause
14.6.9. Reset-Priority Latch (SRlatch_PS)
14.6.10. Same Data Type (SameDT)
14.6.11. Set-Priority Latch (SRlatch)
14.6.12. Single-Cycle Latency Latch (latch_1L)
14.6.13. Tapped Line Delay (TappedLineDelay)
14.6.14. Variable Super-Sample Delay (VariableDelay)
14.6.15. Vector Fanout (VectorFanout)
14.6.16. Vector Multiplexer (VectorMux)
14.6.17. Zero-Latency Latch (latch_0L) Adding a Finite State Machine Block to your DSP Builder Design Modifying the Finite State Machine Block Specification File Implement Token Passing with the Finite State Machine Implementing a One Shot Counter with the Finite State Machine Specifying ForLoop Control Units Creating the Finite State Machine Configuration File Upgrading Finite State Machine Blocks from v23.2 and Earlier
Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1423076670167
6.13. DSP Builder Primitive Block Design Examples
- 8×8 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform
This design example uses the Chen-Wang algorithm to implement a fully pipelined 8×8 inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT). - Automatic Gain Control
This design example implements an automatic gain control. - Bit Combine for Boolean Vectors
This design example demonstrates different ways to use the BitCombine primitive block to create signals of different widths from a vector of Boolean signals. - Bit Extract for Boolean Vectors
This design example demonstrates different ways to use the BitExtract block to split a wide signal into a vector of narrow signal components. - Color Space Converter
This design example demonstrates DSP Builder Primitive subsystems with simple RGB to Y'CbCr color space conversion - CORDIC from Primitive Blocks
This design example demonstrates building a CORDIC out of basic operators. This design has the same functionality as the CORDIC library block in the demo_cordic_lib_block example - Digital Predistortion Forward Path
This design example demonstrates forward paths that implement digital predistortion (DPD). - Fibonacci Series
This DSP Builder design example generates a Fibonacci sequence. - Folded Vector Sort
This design sorts the values on the input vector from largest to smallest. The design is a masked subsystem that allows for sorting with either a comparator and mux block, or a minimum and a maximum block. - Fractional Square Root Using CORDIC
This design example demonstrates CORDIC techniques, but does not use the CORDIC block. This design example is fully iterative. - Fixed-point Maths Functions
This design example demonstrates how the Math, Trig and Sqrt functions support fixed-point types and the fixed-point Divide function. You can use fixed-point types of width up to and including 32 bits. - Gaussian Random Number Generator
This DSP Builder design example demonstrates a random number generator (CLT component method) that produces random numbers with normal distribution and standard deviation that you specify using the input sigma_input. - Hello World
This DSP Builder design example produces a simple text message that it stores in a look-up table. - Hybrid Direct Form and Transpose Form FIR Filter
The design example uses small, four-tap direct form filters to use the structure inside the DSP block efficiently. The design example combines these direct form minifilters into a transpose structure, which minimizes the logic and memory that the sample pipe uses. - Loadable Counter
This design example demonstrates the LoadableCounter block. - Matrix Initialization of LUT
This design example feeds a vector of addresses to the Primitive block such that DSP Builder gives each vector component a different address. This design example also shows Lut blocks working with complex data types. - Matrix Initialization of Vector Memories
Use this feature in DSP Builder designs that handle vector data and require individual components of each vector in the dual memory to be initialized uniquely. - Multichannel IIR Filter
This DSP Builder design example implements a masked multi-channel infinite impulse response (IIR) filter with a masked subsystem that it builds from Primitive library blocks. - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
This design example implements a simple quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM256) design example with noise addition. The testbench uses various Simulink blocks. - Reinterpret Cast for Bit Packing and Unpacking
This design example demonstrates the ReinterpretCast block, which packs signals into a long word and extracts multiple signals from a long word. - Run-time Configurable Decimating and Interpolating Half-Rate FIR Filter
This design example contains a half-rate FIR filter, which can perform either decimation or interpolation by a factor of two during run time. - Square Root Using CORDIC
This design example demonstrates the CORDIC block. It configures the CORDIC block for uint(32) input and uint(16) output. - Test CORDIC Functions with the CORDIC Block
This design example demonstrates how to use the DSP Builder Primitive CORDIC block to implement the coordinate rotation digital (CORDIC) algorithm. - Uniform Random Number Generator
This DSP Builder design example demonstrates a random number generator (Tausworthe-88) that produces uniformly distributed random numbers. - Vector Sort—Sequential
This design example sorts the values on the input vector from largest to smallest. The sorting is a configurable masked subsystem: sortstages. - Vector Sort—Iterative
This design sorts the values on the input vector from largest to smallest. The design is a masked subsystem that allows for sorting with either a comparator and mux block, or a minimum and a maximum block. - Vector Initialization of Sample Delay
This DSP Builder design example shows that one sample delay can replace what usually requires a Demultiplex, SampleDelay, and Multiplex combination. - Wide Single-Channel Accumulators
This example design shows various ways to connect up an adder, sample delay (depth=1), and optional multiplexer to implement reset or load.