DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 12/04/2023

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Document Table of Contents Parameterization of CIC and FIR Filters

The system specification, including the channel count and sample rates, determines the main parameters for a filter. The enclosing Simulink mode infers the remaining parameters such as data widths and system clock rates. Any changes to these parameters ripple through your design, changing the system performance without you having to update all the components. You can express any of the parameters as MATLAB expressions, to rapidly parameterize a whole system.

The hardware generation techniques create efficient filters with combinations of parameters, such as a symmetric 3-band FIR filter with seven channels and 100 cycles to process a sample from each channel. Hardware generation is fast and can change at runtime with every Simulink simulation, so that the edit simulation loop time is much reduced, improving productivity.