Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683068
Date 2/21/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.4.2. Collection Commands

The Timing Analyzer supports collection commands that provide easy access to ports, pins, cells, or nodes in the design. Use collection commands with any constraints or Tcl commands specified in the Timing Analyzer.

Table 16.  Collection Commands
Command Collection Returned
all_clocks All clocks in the design
all_inputs All input ports in the design.
all_outputs All output ports in the design.
all_registers All registers in the design.
get_cells Cells in the design. All cell names in the collection match the specified pattern. Wildcards can be used to select multiple cells at the same time.
get_clocks Lists clocks in the design. When used as an argument to another command, such as the -from or -to of set_multicycle_path, each node in the clock represents all nodes clocked by the clocks in the collection. The default uses the specific node (even if the node is a clock) as the target of a command.
get_nets Nets in the design. All net names in the collection match the specified pattern. You can use wildcards to select multiple nets at the same time.
get_pins Pins in the design. All pin names in the collection match the specified pattern. You can use wildcards to select multiple pins at the same time.
get_ports All ports (design inputs and outputs) in the design.

You can also examine collections and experiment with collections using wildcards in the Timing Analyzer by clicking Name Finder from the View menu.