Low Latency 100-Gbps Ethernet IP Core User Guide

ID 683160
Date 4/15/2021
Document Table of Contents RX Reed-Solomon FEC Registers

Table 46.  RX Reed-Solomon FEC Registers
Addr Name Bit Description Reset Access
0xD00 REVID [31:0] RSFEC RX module revision ID 0x0515 2015 RO
0xD01 RX_RSFEC_SCRATCH [31:0] Scratch register available for testing. 32'b0 RW
0xD02 RX_RSFEC_NAME0 [31:0] Final 4 characters of IP core variation identifier string, "100gRSFECoRX". 0x436F 5258 RO
0xD03 RX_RSFEC_NAME1 [31:0] Middle 4 characters of IP core variation identifier string, "100gRSFECoRX". 0x5253 4645 RO
0xD04 RX_RSFEC_NAME2 [31:0] Initial 4 characters of IP core variation identifier string, "100gRSFECoRX". 0x3130 3067 RO
0xD05 BYPASS_RESTART [4] Restart state machines. When 1'b1, specifies the IP core restarts the FEC synchronization and alignment state machines. Bit self-clears after alignment marker synchronization is restarted. (Refer to Figure 91-8 and Figure 91-9 in IEEE Standard 802.3bj-2014). 0x0000 0000 RW
[3:1] Reserved.
[0] Bypass RS-FEC decoder. When 1'b1, specifies the IP core bypasses the RS-FEC decoder. When 1'b0, enables RS-FEC error correction.
0xD06 RX_FEC_STATUS [15:8] fec_lane: Two bits per lane hold the FEC lane number when the corresponding amps_lock bit (in register bits [3:0]) has the value of 1. The following encodings are defined:
  • Bits[15:14]: fec_lane for lane 3
  • Bits[13:12]: fec_lane for lane 2
  • Bits[11:10]: fec_lane for lane 1
  • Bits[9:8]: fec_lane for lane 0
0x0000 0000 RO
[7:5] Reserved.
[4] fec_align_status: Alignment marker lock status. When 1'b1, indicates all lanes are synchronized and aligned. When 1'b0, indicates the deskew process is not yet complete. (Refer to Figure 91-9 in IEEE Standard 802.3bj-2014).
[3:0] amps_lock: Each bit indicates that the receiver has detected the location of the alignment marker payload sequence for the corresponding FEC lane. (Refer to Figure 91-8 in IEEE Standard 802.3bj-2014).
0xD07 CORRECTED_CW [31:0] 32-bit counter that contains the number of corrected FEC codewords processed. The value resets to zero upon read and holds at max count. 0x0000 0000 RO
0xD08 UNCORRECTED_CW [31:0] 32-bit counter that contains the number of uncorrected FEC codewords processed. The value resets to zero upon read and holds at max count. 0x0000 0000 RO