Low Latency 100-Gbps Ethernet IP Core User Guide

ID 683160
Date 4/15/2021
Document Table of Contents Generating the LL 100GbE Testbench

A single procedure generates the testbench and example project (for Stratix V variations) or the testbench, compilation-only design example, and hardware design example (for Arria 10 variations). The procedure varies depending on your target device. To generate these demonstration aids:

  1. Follow the steps in Specifying the IP Core Parameters and Options to parameterize your IP core.
  2. If your IP core variation targets a Stratix V device, go to step 4.
  3. If your IP core variation targets an Arria 10 device, in the LL 100GbE parameter editor:
    • On the Example Design tab, select Simulation, Synthesis, or both to specify whether you want to generate the simulation-only testbench, the compilation-only and hardware design examples, or all three options.
    • Click the Generate Example Design button to generate these options for the IP core variation you intend to generate.
    Tip: You are prompted to locate the new testbench and example project in the directory <working directory>/alt_eth_ultra_100_0_example_design. You can accept the default path or modify the path to the new testbench and example project.
  4. Generate the IP core by clicking Generate HDL for Arria 10 variations or Generate for Stratix V variations.
    Note: If your IP core variation targets a Stratix V device, when prompted at the start of generation, you must turn on Generate example design. Turning on Generate example design is the only process that generates a functional testbench and a functional example project for Stratix V variations.

    When the IP core is generated in <working directory>, the testbench and example projects are generated in different locations depending on the device family your IP core variation targets.

    • For Stratix V variations, the testbench and example project are generated in <working directory>/<IP core variation>_example_design/alt_eth_ultra.
    • For Arria 10 variations, the testench and the compilation-only and hardware design examples are generated in the directory you specify in Step 3. If you do not modify the location text at the prompt, they are generated in <working directory>/alt_eth_ultra_100_0_example_design.

The directory with the testbench and design example has four subdirectories for Arria 10 variations and three subdirectories for Stratix V variations:

  • example_testbench
  • compilation_test_design
  • hardware_test_design
  • ex_100g or ex_100g_caui4 , for Arria 10 variations only

The ex_100g or ex_100g_caui4 directory contains a copy of the IP core variation. The testbench and design examples (compilation-only and hardware design example) for your Arria 10 IP core variation connect to the copy in this directory rather than to the copy you generate in <working directory>.