Visible to Intel only — GUID: byf1630476185175
1. About this Document
2. Introduction
3. Nios® V Processor Hardware System Design with Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition and Platform Designer
4. Nios® V Processor Software System Design
5. Nios® V Processor Configuration and Booting Solutions
6. Nios® V Processor - Using the MicroC/TCP-IP Stack
7. Nios® V Processor Debugging, Verifying, and Simulating
8. Document Revision History for the Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Linking Applications
5.3. Nios® V Processor Booting Methods
5.4. Introduction to Nios® V Processor Booting Methods
5.5. Nios® V Processor Booting from Configuration QSPI Flash
5.6. Nios V Processor Booting from On-Chip Memory (OCRAM)
5.7. Summary of Nios V Processor Vector Configuration and BSP Settings
7.4.1. Prerequisites
7.4.2. Setting Up and Generating Your Simulation Environment in Platform Designer
7.4.3. Creating Nios V Processor Software
7.4.4. Generating Memory Initialization File
7.4.5. Generating System Simulation Files
7.4.6. Running Simulation in the QuestaSim Simulator Using Command Line
Visible to Intel only — GUID: byf1630476185175
Ixiasoft Generating the Nios® V/m Processor Example Design in Platform Designer
To generate the Nios® V/m processor in Platform Designer, perform the following steps:
- In the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, go to Tools ➤Platform Designer.
- In the Platform Designer, select IP Variant.
- For Quartus project, select None.
- In the IP Variant dialog box, specify any name for your IP.
Note: You do not need to save the IP later.
- Click Select in the Component type.
- The IP Catalog opens.
- Search for Nios V/m Processor Intel FPGA IP.
- Create the IP design.
- Click Example Design : "Hello World Example Design" and select your project folder. The .zip file is copied after you select the project folder.
Figure 2. IP Parameter Editor for Nios® V/m Processor Intel® FPGA IP
- Close the IP Parameter Editor. When prompted with Save changes?. Click Don’t Save.
- Unzip the example design to your project folder. Refer to the following table for the example design files and the description.
File | Description |
software/app | Folder containing source code for software application. |
create_qsys.tcl | TCL script to generate the example design .qsys file. |
readme.txt | Description and steps to build the example design. |
toggle_issp.tcl | TCL script to reset the design via In-System Sources and Probes (ISSP). |
top.qpf | Example design Quartus Project File (.qpf.) file. |
top.qsf | Example design Quartus Setting File (.qsf) file. |
top.sdc | Example design Synopsys* Design Constraints (.sdc) file. |
top.v | Top-level Verilog design. |