Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1412661935327
ALTDQ_DQS2 Features
ALTDQ_DQS2 Device Support
Resource Utilization and Performance
ALTDQ_DQS2 Parameter Settings
ALTDQ_DQS2 Data Paths
Dynamic Reconfiguration for ALTDQ_DQS2
Stratix V Design Example
Arria V Design Example
IP-Generate Command
ALTDQ_DQS2 IP Core User Guide Archives
Document Revision History
I/O Configuration Block Bit Sequence for Arria V GZ and Stratix V Devices
DQS Configuration Block Bit Sequence for Arria V GZ and Stratix V Devices
I/O Configuration Block Bit Sequence for Arria V and Cyclone V Devices
DQS Configuration Block Bit Sequence for Arria V and Cyclone V Devices
Example Usage of Dynamic Reconfiguration for ALTDQ_DQS2
Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1412661935327
Timing Violation
The following figure shows a timing violation in the example design. This path is related to DQS enable control and is valid. Some calibration algorithm is required to control the DQS enable block.
Figure 45. Timing Violation

Without any calibration algorithm in place, this path cannot be set as false path in the static timing analysis.
set_false_path Command
#set_false_path -from [get_keepers {*|dqs_enable_ctrl~DQSENABLEOUT_DFF}] -to [get_clocks{dqs_out}]