Visible to Intel only — GUID: mhi1459259454944
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mhi1459259454944
3.1. Stratix® 10 EMIF Architecture: Introduction
The following are key hardware features of the Stratix® 10 EMIF architecture:
Hard Sequencer
The sequencer employs a hardened processor, and can perform memory calibration for a wide range of protocols. You can share the sequencer among multiple memory interfaces of the same or different protocols.
Hard PHY
The PHY circuitry in Stratix® 10 devices is hardened in the silicon, which simplifies the challenges of achieving timing closure and minimizing power consumption.
Hard Memory Controller
The hard memory controller reduces latency and minimizes core logic consumption in the external memory interface. The hard memory controller supports the DDR3 and DDR4 memory protocols.
PHY-Only Mode
Protocols that use a hard controller (DDR3, DDR4, and RLDRAM 3), provide a PHY-only option, which generates only the PHY and sequencer, but not the controller. This PHY-only mode provides a mechanism by which to integrate your own custom soft controller.
High-Speed PHY Clock Tree
Dedicated high speed PHY clock networks clock the I/O buffers in Stratix® 10 EMIF IP. The PHY clock trees exhibit low jitter and low duty cycle distortion, maximizing the data valid window.
Automatic Clock Phase Alignment
Automatic clock phase alignment circuitry dynamically adjusts the clock phase of core clock networks to match the clock phase of the PHY clock networks. The clock phase alignment circuitry minimizes clock skew that can complicate timing closure in transfers between the FPGA core and the periphery.
Resource Sharing
The Stratix® 10 architecture simplifies resource sharing between memory interfaces. Resources such as the OCT calibration block, PLL reference clock pin, and core clock can be shared. The hard Nios processor in the I/O subsystem manager (I/O SSM) must be shared across all interfaces in a column.
Section Content
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: I/O Subsystem
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: I/O Column
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: I/O SSM
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: I/O Bank
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: I/O Lane
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: Input DQS Clock Tree
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: PHY Clock Tree
Stratix 10 EMIF Architecture: PLL Reference Clock Networks
Stratix 10