External Memory Interfaces Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683741
Date 11/28/2024
Document Table of Contents cal_debug_out for DDR4

Calibration debug interface

Table 85.  Interface: cal_debug_outInterface type: Avalon Memory-Mapped Master
Port Name Direction Description
cal_debug_out_waitrequest Input Wait-request is asserted when controller is busy
cal_debug_out_read Output Read request signal
cal_debug_out_write Output Write request signal
cal_debug_out_addr Output Address for the read/write request
cal_debug_out_read_data Input Read data
cal_debug_out_write_data Output Write data
cal_debug_out_byteenable Output Byte-enable for write data
cal_debug_out_read_data_valid Input Indicates whether read data is valid