Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1436891693900
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1436891693900
Ixiasoft bsp-create-settings
The bsp-create-settings tool converts the Quartus® Prime handoff information to source code for Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC, and to a Device Tree for Arria® 10 SoC.
Option | Required | Description |
--type <bsp-type> | Yes |
This option specifies the type of BSP. Allowed values are:
--settings <filename> | Yes |
This option specifies the path to a BSP settings file. The file is created with default settings. Altera recommends that you name the BSP settings file settings.bsp. |
--preloader-settings-dir <directory> | Yes |
This option specifies the path to the hardware handoff files. |
--bsp-dir <directory> | Yes |
This option specifies the path where the BSP files are generated. When specified, bsp-create-settings generates the files after the settings file has been created. Altera recommends that you always specify this parameter with bsp-create-settings. |
--set <name> <value> | No |
This option sets the BSP setting <name> to the value <value>. Multiple instances of this option can be used with the same command. Refer to BSP Settings for a complete list of available setting names and descriptions. |