Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1404172073467
1. Introduction to the SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (EDS)
2. Installing the Tools
3. Running the Tools
4. SoC FPGA EDS Licensing
5. Arm* Development Studio* for Intel® SoC FPGA Edition
6. Boot Tools User Guide
7. Hardware Library
8. Using the HPS Flash Programmer
9. Bare Metal Compilers
10. SD Card Boot Utility
11. Linux* Device Tree Generator
12. Support and Feedback
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1404172073467
10.1. Usage Scenarios
This utility is intended to update boot software on that resides on an existing:
- Existing SD card
- Existing disk image file
The tool supports updating the following:
- Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC Preloader—The Preloader file needs to have the mkpimage header, as required by the bootROM.
- Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC Bootloader—The Bootloader file needs to have the mkimage header, as required by the Preloader.
- Arria® 10 SoC Bootloader—The Bootloader needs to have the mkpimage header, as required by the bootROM.
Note: Both mkpimage and mkimage tools are delivered as part of SoC FPGA EDS.
The tool only updates the custom partition that stores the Altera SoC boot code. The rest of the SD card or disk image file is not touched. This includes the Master Boot Record (MBR) and any other partitions (such as FAT and EXT3) and free space.
Warning: The users of this tool need administrative or root access to their computer to use this tool to write to physical SD cards. These rights are not required when only working with disk image files. Contact the IT department if you do not have the proper rights on your PC.