Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite (SoC EDS) User Guide

ID 683187
Date 2/03/2025
Document Table of Contents Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC Flow

For Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC, the BSP Generator is required to be run first, to convert some of the handoff files into C source code. After that, you need to clone the U-Boot source code from github. Then you use an U-Boot script called qts-filter to extract the information from the handoff folder, and the set of files created by the BSP Generator, and put them in the U-Boot source code folder. Then you use the U-Boot makefile to build the SPL image. The SPL image can then be downloaded to a Flash device or FPGA RAM to be used for booting HPS.

Figure 20.  Arria® V SoC/ Cyclone® V SoC BSP Generator Flow

The hardware handoff information contains various settings that you entered when creating the hardware design in Platform Designer and Quartus® Prime Standard Edition. These include the following:

  • Pin-muxing for the HPS dedicated pins
  • I/O settings for the HPS dedicated pins:
    • Voltage
    • Slew rate
    • Pull up/ down
  • Configuration of the bridges between HPS and FPGA
  • Clock tree settings:
    • PLL settings
    • Clock divider settings
    • Clock gating settings
  • DDR settings:
    • Technology
    • Width
    • Speed

The handoff settings are output from the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition compilation and are located in the <Quartus project directory>/hps_isw_handoff/<hps entity name> directory (where <hps entity name> is the HPS component name in Platform Designer).

You must update the hardware handoff files and regenerate the BSP each time a hardware change impacts the HPS, such as after pin multiplexing or pin assignment changes.

For complete instructions on how to build the bootloader for Cyclone® V SoC and Arria® V SoC, visit "Building Bootloader" on