Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 8/03/2023

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Document Table of Contents Waiving Design Assistant Rules

After running an initial design rule check, you can waive (ignore) design rule violations that you determine are unimportant for one or more iterations of design rule checking. When you create a waiver, Design Assistant does not check for compliance with the rules that match the violation conditions you specify, nor report results for the rule. For teams or individual designers, rule waivers also provide an audit trail that tracks the user, description, and reason for the design rule waiver.

You can create rule waivers to ignore violations for which you already have identified the root cause and correction, for violations that occur in a block that another developed owns, or to waive specific rules that you determine are not an issue for your design.

Initially, run Design Assistant checks without rule waivers to evaluate the complete list of violations. As you begin root cause analysis and violation correction, you can consider creating waivers to eliminate one or more rule violations from obscuring the rule violations that are still relevant.

After creating a design rule waiver, you can modify the rule parameters to fine tune rule checks, or you can delete waivers. For example, if a first pass rule check reports 800 violations with the Max_Violations per rule parameter set to default of 500, Design Assistant reports only the first 500 of the 800 total violations. You could then create rule waivers to omit the first 100 rule violations that you correct, thereby reporting rule violations number 501 and higher the next time you run Design Assistant.

When a Design Assistant waiver becomes completely unneeded, you can delete the waiver in the Design Assistant Manage Waivers dialog box or directly from the Design Assistant Waivers (.dawf) file.