Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 8/03/2023

A newer version of this document is available. Customers should click here to go to the newest version.

Document Table of Contents

2.6. Recommended Design Practices Revision History

The following revision history applies to this chapter:

Document Version Intel® Quartus® Prime Version Changes
2023.04.14 23.1
  • Updated the recommendation in Optimizing Clocking Schemes.
2022.06.20 22.2
  • Removed obsolete Block Based Design rule category from Design Assistant Design Rule Checking topic.
2021.10.04 21.3
  • Updated Design Assistant Design Rule Checking topic for latest rule categories.
2021.03.29 21.1
  • Updated Design Assistant Design Rule Checking topic with screenshot, minor wording changes, and link to AN 919: Improving Quality of Results with Design Assistant.
  • Updated Setting Up Design Assistant topic for rule tags.
  • Updated Running Design Assistant During Compilation step 4 wording.
  • Updated Opening Design Assistant Rule Help topic to show rule included in this release.
  • Updated screenshots in Cross-Probing from Design Assistant to Timing Analyzer topic.
  • Removed Filtering and Hiding Rule Violations section as waivers are most effective method in current version.
  • Updated Changing the Default Number of Violations per Rule for minor wording changes.
  • Created new Design Assistant Tags topic to define all tags.
  • Created new Design Assistant Waiver Dialog Box topic to define all settings in this dialog box. including new waiver features.
  • Updated Creating Design Assistant Waivers topic for waiver preview and reporting.
  • Updated Deleting Design Assistant Waivers topic for new GUI method.
  • Updated Design Assistant Rule Categories topic for latest rule categories.
  • Revised Design Assistant Rule Severity Levels descriptions.
2020.09.28 20.3
  • Added new "Waiving Design Assistant Rules" section.
  • Added new "Cross-Probing with Design Assistant" section.
  • Added description of new Fatal severity level Design Assistant rule to "Modifying Rule Severity Levels" topic.
  • Updated "Setting Up Design Assistant" for new Fatal severity level and RDC rule category.
  • Updated "Running Design Assistant in Analysis Mode" with screenshots and detailed steps.
  • Added RDC to "Design Assistant Rule Categories" topic.
  • Removed individual Design Assistant rule descriptions from document and linked to updated rule description in Help.
  • Replaced obsolete rule screenshots throughout.
2020.04.13 20.1
  • Added support for Design Assistant during Timing Signoff to "Setting Up Design Assistant" and "Running Design Assistant During Compilation" topics.
  • Added new Design Assistant rules.
  • Revised Design Assistant rules HRR-10201, HRR-10201, and RES-30131.
  • Removed various obsolete Design Assistant rules.
2019.11.01 19.3.0
  • Revised "Changing Design Assistant Rule Scope or Number of Violations" topic for clarity.
  • Created separate "Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Rules" category and topic.
  • Added "CLK-30026: Missing Clock Assignment" Design Assistant rule.
  • Added "CLK-30027: Multiple Clock Assignment" Design Assistant rule.
  • Added "CLK-30028: Invalid Generated Clock" Design Assistant rule.
  • Added "CLK-30029: Invalid Clock Assignment" Design Assistant rule.
  • Added "CLK-30030: PLL Setting Violation" Design Assistant rule.
  • Added "CLK-30031: Input Delay Assigned to Clock" Design Assistant rule.
2019.09.30 19.3.0
  • Added new "Setting Up Design Assistant" topic.
  • Added new "Managing Design Assistant Rules" topic.
  • Added new "Enabling Rules for Specific Compiler Stages" topic.
  • Added new "Specifying Rule Parameters for Specific Compiler Stages" topic.
  • Added new "Modifying Rule Severity Levels" topic.
  • Added new "Filtering and Hiding Rule Violations" topic.
  • Added new "Filter Options Dialog Box" topic.
  • Added new "Linking to Design Assistant Rule Documentation" topic.
  • Updated screenshots for latest GUI elements.
  • Added the following new Design Assistant rules:
    • CDC-50001: Missing 1-Bit Synchronizer
    • CDC-50002: 1-Bit Synchronized Missing Constraint
    • CDC-50003: CE-Type CDC No Constraints
    • HRR-10015: High Fan-out Signal
    • HRR-10201: Registers Cannot Power Up with Don't Care Logic Level
    • HRR-10204: Reset Release Instance Count Check
    • RES-30132: Registers May Not Be Properly Reset
    • TMC-20500: Hierarchical Tree Duplication was Shallower than Possible
    • TMC-20501: Hierarchical Tree Duplication was Shallower than Requested
    • TMC-20550: Duplication Candidate Rejected for Placement Constraint
    • TMC-20551: Automatically-Discovered Duplication Candidate Likely Requires More Duplication
    • TMC-20552: User-Directed Duplication Candidate was Rejected
    • TMC-20601: Registers with High Immediate Fan-Out Tension
    • TMC-20602: Registers with High Timing Path Endpoint Tension
    • TMC-20603: Registers with High Immediate Fan-Out Span
    • TMC-20604: Registers with High Timing Path Endpoint Span
  • Removed obsolete Design Assistant rules:
    • HRR-10014: High Fan-out Nets Driving Clock-Enable Pins
    • HRR-10016: Registers Cannot Power-Up With Dont Care Logic Level
2019.04.01 19.1.0
  • Described new Design Assistant design rule checking tool.
  • Added new topics describing each of the Design Assistant rules, under the Recommended Design Practices > Checking for Design Rule Violations section.
2018.09.24 18.1.0
  • Created subtopics: Clock Region Assignments in Intel Arria 10 and Older Device Families and Clock Region Assignments in Intel Stratix 10 Devices from content in topic: Use Clock Region Assignments to Optimize Clock Constraints.
2017.11.06 17.1.0
  • Updated topic: Optimizing Timing Closure.
  • Updated topic Use Global Clock Network Resources and added topic Use Clock Region Assignments to Optimize Clock Constraints for Intel Stratix 10 support.
2017.05.08 17.0.0
  • Removed information about Integrated Synthesis.
  • Removed information about quartus_drc.
2016.10.31 16.1.0
  • Implemented Intel rebranding.
2016.05.03 16.0.0
  • Replaced Internally Synchronized Reset code sample with corrected version.
  • Removed information about deprecated physical synthesis options.
  • Removed information about unsupported Design Assistant.
2015.11.02 15.1.0
  • Changed instances of Quartus II to Quartus Prime.
2014.12.15 14.1.0 Updated location of Fitter Settings, Analysis & Synthesis Settings, and Physical Optimization Settings to Compiler Settings.
June 2014 14.0.0 Removed references to obsolete MegaWizard Plug-In Manager.
November 2013 13.1.0 Removed HardCopy device information.
May 2013 13.0.0

Removed PrimeTime support.

June 2012 12.0.0 Removed survey link.
November 2011 11.0.1 Template update.
May 2011 11.0.0 Added information to Reset Resources .
December 2010 10.1.0
  • Title changed from Design Recommendations for Altera Devices and the Quartus II Design Assistant.
  • Updated to new template.
  • Added references to Quartus II Help for “Metastability” on page 9–13 and “Incremental Compilation” on page 9–13.
  • Removed duplicated content and added references to Help for “Custom Rules” on page 9–15.
July 2010 10.0.0
  • Removed duplicated content and added references to Quartus II Help for Design Assistant settings, Design Assistant rules, Enabling and Disabling Design Assistant Rules, and Viewing Design Assistant reports.
  • Removed information from “Combinational Logic Structures” on page 5–4
  • Changed heading from “Design Techniques to Save Power” to “Power Optimization” on page 5–12
  • Added new “Metastability” section
  • Added new “Incremental Compilation” section
  • Added information to “Reset Resources” on page 5–23
  • Removed “Referenced Documents” section
November 2009 9.1.0
  • Removed documentation of obsolete rules.
March 2009 9.0.0
  • No change to content.
November 2008 8.1.0
  • Changed to 8-1/2 x 11 page size
  • Added new section “Custom Rules Coding Examples” on page 5–18
  • Added paragraph to “Recommended Clock-Gating Methods” on page 5–11
  • Added new section: “Design Techniques to Save Power” on page 5–12
May 2008 8.0.0
  • Updated Figure 5–9 on page 5–13; added custom rules file to the flow
  • Added notes to Figure 5–9 on page 5–13
  • Added new section: “Custom Rules Report” on page 5–34
  • Added new section: “Custom Rules” on page 5–34
  • Added new section: “Targeting Embedded RAM Architectural Features” on page 5–38
  • Minor editorial updates throughout the chapter
  • Added hyperlinks to referenced documents throughout the chapter