Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Recommendations

ID 683082
Date 8/03/2023

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1.6.6. Cyclic Redundancy Check Functions

CRC computations are used heavily by communications protocols and storage devices to detect any corruption of data. These functions are highly effective; there is a very low probability that corrupted data can pass a 32-bit CRC check

CRC functions typically use wide XOR gates to compare the data. The way synthesis tools flatten and factor these XOR gates to implement the logic in FPGA LUTs can greatly impact the area and performance results for the design. XOR gates have a cancellation property that creates an exceptionally large number of reasonable factoring combinations, so synthesis tools cannot always choose the best result by default.

The 6-input ALUT has a significant advantage over 4‑input LUTs for these designs. When properly synthesized, CRC processing designs can run at high speeds in devices with 6-input ALUTs.

The following guidelines help you improve the quality of results for CRC designs in Intel FPGA devices.