Agilex™ 7 Power Management User Guide

ID 683373
Date 2/04/2025
Document Table of Contents Specifying Power Management and VID Parameters and Options

  1. Create an Quartus® Prime project using the New Project Wizard available from the File menu.
  2. On the Assignments menu, click Device.
  3. On the Device dialog box, click Device and Pin Options.
  4. On the Device and Pin Options dialog box, click Configuration.
  5. On the Configuration page, specify the VID Operation mode. There are two modes available—PMBus Master and PMBus Slave.
  6. The PMBus modes consist of these pins—PWMGT_SDA, PWMGT_SCL, and PWRMGT_ALERT. To configure these pins, on the Configuration page, click Configuration Pin Options. The PWRMGT_ALERT pin is only available and is required to be used in the slave mode. For the configuration pin parameters, refer to Table: Configuration Pin Parameters.
  7. On the Configuration Pin dialog box, assign the appropriate SDM_IO pin to the power management pins. Click OK.
  8. On the Device and Pin Options dialog box, click Power Management and VID to specify the device settings if your device is in the PMBus Master mode. Click OK. For the power management and VID parameters, refer to Table: Power Management and VID Parameters.
This completes the SmartVID setup for the Agilex™ 7 device.