Agilex™ 7 Power Management User Guide

ID 683373
Date 2/04/2025
Document Table of Contents Default Commands for the Temperature Reading Design Example

The Temperature Reading design example contains a main.tcl script that provides a set of commands you can run.
Table 18.  Command Routines in the main.tcl Script
Command Routine Description
send_noop Sends the NOOP command of the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP.
get_voltage Sends the GET_VOLTAGE command of the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP.
get_temperature_1 Reads local TSD 1 in core fabric sensor location 0.
get_temperature_2 Reads local TSD 1 in transceiver tile sensor location 5.
get_temperature_3 Reads local TSD 1 in transceiver tile location 7.
get_temperature_4 Reads local TSD 1 in transceiver tile location 10.
get_temperature_5 Reads local TSD 1 in core fabric sensor location 4.
get_idcode Sends the GET_IDCODE command of the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP.
get_chipid Sends the GET_CHIPID command of the Mailbox Client with Avalon® Streaming Interface IP.
Figure 16. Locations of TSDs Read by the get_temperature_n Commands