Visible to Intel only — GUID: ewo1695315104266
4.3.1. Voltage Monitor Design Guidelines
4.3.2. Temperature Monitor Design Guidelines
4.3.3. Transceiver Tile Local Temperature Sensor Design Guidelines
4.3.4. Guidelines: Calibrate Temperature Sensing Chip Interfacing the Agilex™ 7 Remote TSD
4.3.5. Guidelines: Reading the R-Tile Local Temperature Sensor
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ewo1695315104266
Ixiasoft Getting Approximate Locations of the Transceiver Banks
To get the approximate location for the transceiver banks, check the bank location in the Chip Planner.
- From the menu, select View > Task Window.
- In the Task view, double-click Tasks > Periphery Reports > Report All I/O Banks.
- In the Report view, select only the banks that match the list in the Local Temperature Sensor Locations and Corresponding Bank Names table.
- Compare the highlighted transceiver banks with the Temperature Sensing Diode Locations figure.
- Align your view of the device to get the approximate locations of the TSDs.
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