Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B97C2C97-2394-4CD6-AFDE-423C74161498
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-B97C2C97-2394-4CD6-AFDE-423C74161498
Performance Snapshot
VTune Profiler provides several analysis types that are tailored to examine various application types and aspects of performance. Performance Snapshot captures a picture of these aspects and presents an overview of the workings of your application.
Use Performance Snapshot when you want to see a summary of issues affecting your application. This analysis also includes recommendations for other analysis types that you can run next for a deeper investigation.
Before running Performance Snapshot, make sure you Create a project.
Click Configure Analysis on the VTune Profiler welcome screen. This opens the Performance Snapshot analysis type by default. You can also select this analysis from the Analysis Tree.
In the WHAT pane, specify your target application and any application parameters.
In the HOW pane, click the Start button (
) to run the analysis.
NOTE:To run Performance Snapshot from the command line for this configuration, use the
Command Line button at the bottom.
- Once the data collection is complete, see a performance overview in the Summary tab.
The overview typically includes several metrics along with their descriptions.
Expand each metric for detailed information about contributing factors.
A flagged metric indicates a value outside acceptable/normal operating range. Use tool tips to understand how to improve a flagged metric.
See guidance on other analyses you should consider running next. The Analysis Tree highlights these recommendations.