Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-34FC7D27-3F7F-44FE-A08F-3FE4DE881E8A
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-34FC7D27-3F7F-44FE-A08F-3FE4DE881E8A
CPU Metrics Reference
Metric Description
This metric estimates cycles fraction the CPU retired uops delivered by the Microcode_Sequencer as a result of Assists. Assists are long sequences of uops that are required in certain corner-cases for operations that cannot be handled natively by the execution pipeline. For example, when working with very small floating point values (so-called Denormals), the FP units are not set up to perform these operations natively. Instead, a sequence of instructions to perform the computation on the Denormals is injected into the pipeline. Since these microcode sequences might be hundreds of uops long, Assists can be extremely deleterious to performance and they can be avoided in many cases.
Possible Issues
A significant portion of execution time is spent in microcode assists.
1. Examine the FP_ASSIST and OTHER_ASSISTS events to determine the specific cause.
2. Add options eliminating x87 code and set the compiler options to enable DAZ (denormals-are-zero) and FTZ (flush-to-zero).
Available Core Time
Metric Description
Total execution time over all cores.
Average Bandwidth
Metric Description
Average bandwidth utilization during the analysis.
Average CPU Frequency
Metric Description
Average actual CPU frequency. Values above nominal frequency indicate that the CPU is operating in a turbo boost mode.
Average CPU Usage
Metric Description
The metric shows average CPU utilization by computations of the application. Spin and Overhead time are not counted. Ideal average CPU usage is equal to the number of logical CPU cores.
Average Frame Time
Metric Description
Average amount of time spent within a frame.
Average Latency (cycles)
Metric Description
This metric shows average load latency in cycles
Average Logical Core Utilization
Metric Description
The metric shows average logical cores utilization by computations of the application. Spin and Overhead time are not counted. Ideal average CPU utilization is equal to the number of logical CPU cores.
Average Physical Core Utilization
Metric Description
The metric shows average physical cores utilization by computations of the application. Spin and Overhead time are not counted. Ideal average CPU utilization is equal to the number of physical CPU cores.
Average Task Time
Metric Description
Average amount of time spent within a task.
Back-End Bound
Metric Description
Back-End Bound metric represents a Pipeline Slots fraction where no uOps are being delivered due to a lack of required resources for accepting new uOps in the Back-End. Back-End is a portion of the processor core where an out-of-order scheduler dispatches ready uOps into their respective execution units, and, once completed, these uOps get retired according to program order. For example, stalls due to data-cache misses or stalls due to the divider unit being overloaded are both categorized as Back-End Bound. Back-End Bound is further divided into two main categories: Memory Bound and Core Bound.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of pipeline slots are remaining empty. When operations take too long in the back-end, they introduce bubbles in the pipeline that ultimately cause fewer pipeline slots containing useful work to be retired per cycle than the machine is capable of supporting. This opportunity cost results in slower execution. Long-latency operations like divides and memory operations can cause this, as can too many operations being directed to a single execution port (for example, more multiply operations arriving in the back-end per cycle than the execution unit can support).
Memory Bandwidth
Metric Description
This metric represents a fraction of cycles during which an application could be stalled due to approaching bandwidth limits of the main memory (DRAM). This metric does not aggregate requests from other threads/cores/sockets (see Uncore counters for that). Consider improving data locality in NUMA multi-socket systems.
Contested Accesses (Intra-Tile)
Metric Description
Contested accesses occur when data written by one thread is read by another thread on a different core. Examples of contested accesses include synchronizations such as locks, true data sharing such as modified locked variables, and false sharing. Contested accesses metric is a ratio of the number of contested accesses to all demand loads and stores. This metrics only accounts for contested accesses between two cores on the same tile.
Possible Issues
There is a high number of contested accesses to cachelines modified by another core. Consider either using techniques suggested for other long latency load events (for example, LLC Miss) or reducing the contested accesses. To reduce contested accesses, first identify the cause. If it is synchronization, try increasing synchronization granularity. If it is true data sharing, consider data privatization and reduction. If it is false data sharing, restructure the data to place contested variables in distinct cachelines. This may increase the working set due to padding, but false sharing can always be avoided.
LLC Miss
Metric Description
The LLC (last-level cache) is the last, and longest-latency, level in the memory hierarchy before main memory (DRAM). Any memory requests missing here must be serviced by local or remote DRAM, with significant latency. The LLC Miss metric shows a ratio of cycles with outstanding LLC misses to all cycles.
Possible Issues
A high number of CPU cycles is being spent waiting for LLC load misses to be serviced. Possible optimizations are to reduce data working set size, improve data access locality, blocking and consuming data in chunks that fit in the LLC, or better exploit hardware prefetchers. Consider using software prefetchers but they can increase latency by interfering with normal loads, and can increase pressure on the memory system.
UTLB Overhead
Metric Description
This metric represents a fraction of cycles spent on handling first-level data TLB (or UTLB) misses. As with ordinary data caching, focus on improving data locality and reducing working-set size to reduce UTLB overhead. Additionally, consider using profile-guided optimization (PGO) to collocate frequently-used data on the same page. Try using larger page sizes for large amounts of frequently-used data. This metric does not include store TLB misses.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of cycles is being spent handling first-level data TLB misses. As with ordinary data caching, focus on improving data locality and reducing working-set size to reduce UTLB overhead. Additionally, consider using profile-guided optimization (PGO) to collocate frequently-used data on the same page. Try using larger page sizes for large amounts of frequently-used data.
Port Utilization
Metric Description
This metric represents a fraction of cycles during which an application was stalled due to Core non-divider-related issues. For example, heavy data-dependency between nearby instructions, or a sequence of instructions that overloads specific ports. Hint: Loop Vectorization - most compilers feature auto-Vectorization options today - reduces pressure on the execution ports as multiple elements are calculated with same uop.
Possible Issues
A significant fraction of cycles was stalled due to Core non-divider-related issues.
Use vectorization to reduce pressure on the execution ports as multiple elements are calculated with same uOp.
Port 0
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 0 (SNB+: ALU; HSW+:ALU and 2nd branch)
Port 1
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 1 (ALU)
Port 2
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 2 (Loads and Store-address)
Port 3
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 3 (Loads and Store-address)
Port 4
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 4 (Store-data)
Possible Issues
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 4 (Store-data). Note that this metric value may be highlighted due to Split Stores issue.
Port 5
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 5 (SNB+: Branches and ALU; HSW+: ALU)
Port 6
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 6 (Branches and simple ALU)
Port 7
Metric Description
This metric represents Core cycles fraction CPU dispatched uops on execution port 7 (simple Store-address)
Metric Description
This metric estimates a fraction of cycles lost due to the Branch Target Buffer (BTB) prediction corrected by a later branch predictor.
Possible Issues
A significant number of CPU cycles lost due to the Branch Target Buffer (BTB) prediction corrected by a later branch predictor. Consider reducing the amount of taken branches.
Bad Speculation (Cancelled Pipeline Slots)
Metric Description
Bad Speculation represents a Pipeline Slots fraction wasted due to incorrect speculations. This includes slots used to issue uOps that do not eventually get retired and slots for which the issue-pipeline was blocked due to recovery from an earlier incorrect speculation. For example, wasted work due to mispredicted branches is categorized as a Bad Speculation category. Incorrect data speculation followed by Memory Ordering Nukes is another example.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of pipeline slots containing useful work are being cancelled. This can be caused by mispredicting branches or by machine clears. Note that this metric value may be highlighted due to Branch Resteers issue.
Bad Speculation (Back-End Bound Pipeline Slots)
Metric Description
Superscalar processors can be conceptually divided into the 'front-end', where instructions are fetched and decoded into the operations that constitute them; and the 'back-end', where the required computation is performed. Each cycle, the front-end generates up to four of these operations placed into pipeline slots that then move through the back-end. Thus, for a given execution duration in clock cycles, it is easy to determine the maximum number of pipeline slots containing useful work that can be retired in that duration. The actual number of retired pipeline slots containing useful work, though, rarely equals this maximum. This can be due to several factors: some pipeline slots cannot be filled with useful work, either because the front-end could not fetch or decode instructions in time ('Front-end bound' execution) or because the back-end was not prepared to accept more operations of a certain kind ('Back-end bound' execution). Moreover, even pipeline slots that do contain useful work may not retire due to bad speculation. Front-end bound execution may be due to a large code working set, poor code layout, or microcode assists. Back-end bound execution may be due to long-latency operations or other contention for execution resources. Bad speculation is most frequently due to branch misprediction.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of pipeline slots are remaining empty. When operations take too long in the back-end, they introduce bubbles in the pipeline that ultimately cause fewer pipeline slots containing useful work to be retired per cycle than the machine is capable of supporting. This opportunity cost results in slower execution. Long-latency operations like divides and memory operations can cause this, as can too many operations being directed to a single execution port (for example, more multiply operations arriving in the back-end per cycle than the execution unit can support).
FP Arithmetic
Metric Description
This metric represents an overall arithmetic floating-point (FP) uOps fraction the CPU has executed (retired).
FP Assists
Metric Description
Certain floating point operations cannot be handled natively by the execution pipeline and must be performed by microcode (small programs injected into the execution stream). For example, when working with very small floating point values (so-called denormals), the floating-point units are not set up to perform these operations natively. Instead, a sequence of instructions to perform the computation on the denormal is injected into the pipeline. Since these microcode sequences might be hundreds of instructions long, these microcode assists are extremely deleterious to performance.
Possible Issues
A significant portion of execution time is spent in floating point assists.
Consider enabling the DAZ (Denormals Are Zero) and/or FTZ (Flush To Zero) options in your compiler to flush denormals to zero. This option may improve performance if the denormal values are not critical in your application. Also note that the DAZ and FTZ modes are not compatible with the IEEE Standard 754.
FP Scalar
Metric Description
This metric represents an arithmetic floating-point (FP) scalar uops fraction the CPU has executed. Analyze metric values to identify why vector code is not generated, which is typically caused by the selected algorithm or missing/wrong compiler switches.
FP Vector
Metric Description
This metric represents an arithmetic floating-point (FP) vector uops fraction the CPU has executed. Make sure vector width is expected.
FP x87
Metric Description
This metric represents a floating-point (FP) x87 uops fraction the CPU has executed. It accounts for instructions beyond X87 FP arithmetic operations; hence may be used as a thermometer to avoid X87 high usage and preferably upgrade to modern ISA. Consider compiler flags to generate newer AVX (or SSE) instruction sets, which typically perform better and feature vectors.
MS Assists
Metric Description
Certain corner-case operations cannot be handled natively by the execution pipeline and must be performed by the microcode sequencer (MS), where 1 or more uOps are issued. The microcode sequencer performs microcode assists (small programs injected into the execution stream), inserting flows, and writing to the instruction queue (IQ). For example, when working with very small floating point values (so-called denormals), the floating-point units are not set up to perform these operations natively. Instead, a sequence of instructions to perform the computation on the denormal is injected into the pipeline. Since these microcode sequences might be hundreds of instructions long, these microcode assists are extremely deleterious to performance.
Possible Issues
A significant portion of execution time is spent in microcode assists, inserted flows, and writing to the instruction queue (IQ). Examine the FP Assist and SIMD Assist metrics to determine the specific cause.
Branch Mispredict
Metric Description
When a branch mispredicts, some instructions from the mispredicted path still move through the pipeline. All work performed on these instructions is wasted since they would not have been executed had the branch been correctly predicted. This metric represents slots fraction the CPU has wasted due to Branch Misprediction. These slots are either wasted by uOps fetched from an incorrectly speculated program path, or stalls when the out-of-order part of the machine needs to recover its state from a speculative path.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of branches are mispredicted, leading to excessive wasted work or Back-End stalls due to the machine need to recover its state from a speculative path.
1. Identify heavily mispredicted branches and consider making your algorithm more predictable or reducing the number of branches. You can add more work to 'if' statements and move them higher in the code flow for earlier execution. If using 'switch' or 'case' statements, put the most commonly executed cases first. Avoid using virtual function pointers for heavily executed calls.
2. Use profile-guided optimization in the compiler.
See the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual for general strategies to address branch misprediction issues.
Bus Lock
Metric Description
Intel processors provide a LOCK# signal that is asserted automatically during certain critical memory operations to lock the system bus or equivalent link. While this output signal is asserted, requests from other processors or bus agents for control of the bus are blocked. This metric measures the ratio of bus cycles, during which a LOCK# signal is asserted on the bus. The LOCK# signal is asserted when there is a locked memory access due to uncacheable memory, locked operation that spans two cache lines, and page-walk from an uncacheable page table.
Possible Issues
Bus locks have a very high performance penalty. It is highly recommended to avoid locked memory accesses to improve memory concurrency.
Examine the BUS_LOCK_CLOCKS.SELF event in the source/assembly view to determine where the LOCK# signals are asserted from. If they come from themselves, look at Back-end issues, such as memory latency or reissues. Account for skid.
Cache Bound
Metric Description
This metric shows how often the machine was stalled on L1, L2, and L3 caches. While cache hits are serviced much more quickly than hits in DRAM, they can still incur a significant performance penalty. This metric also includes coherence penalties for shared data.
Possible Issues
A significant proportion of cycles are being spent on data fetches from caches. Check Memory Access analysis to see if accesses to L2 or L3 caches are problematic and consider applying the same performance tuning as you would for a cache-missing workload. This may include reducing the data working set size, improving data access locality, blocking or partitioning the working set to fit in the lower cache levels, or exploiting hardware prefetchers. Consider using software prefetchers, but note that they can interfere with normal loads, increase latency, and increase pressure on the memory system. This metric includes coherence penalties for shared data. Check Microarchitecture Exploration analysis to see if contested accesses or data sharing are indicated as likely issues.
Clears Resteers
Metric Description
This metric measures the fraction of cycles the CPU was stalled due to Branch Resteers as a result of Machine Clears.
Possible Issues
A significant fraction of cycles could be stalled due to Branch Resteers as a result of Machine Clears.
Clockticks per Instructions Retired (CPI)
Metric Description
Clockticks per Instructions Retired (CPI) event ratio, also known as Cycles per Instructions, is one of the basic performance metrics for the hardware event-based sampling collection, also known as Performance Monitoring Counter (PMC) analysis in the sampling mode. This ratio is calculated by dividing the number of unhalted processor cycles (Clockticks) by the number of instructions retired. On each processor the exact events used to count clockticks and instructions retired may be different, but VTune Profiler knows the correct ones to use.
What is the significance of CPI?
The CPI value of an application or function is an indication of how much latency affected its execution. Higher CPI values mean there was more latency in your system - on average, it took more clockticks for an instruction to retire. Latency in your system can be caused by cache misses, I/O, or other bottlenecks.
When you want to determine where to focus your performance tuning effort, the CPI is the first metric to check. A good CPI rate indicates that the code is executing optimally.
The main way to use CPI is by comparing a current CPI value to a baseline CPI for the same workload. For example, suppose you made a change to your system or your code and then ran the VTune Profiler and collected CPI. If the performance of the application decreased after the change, one way to understand what may have happened is to look for functions where CPI increased. If you have made an optimization that improved the runtime of your application, you can look at VTune Profiler data to see if CPI decreased. If it did, you can use that information to help direct you toward further investigations. What caused CPI to decrease? Was it a reduction in cache misses, fewer memory operations, lower memory latency, and so on.
How do I know when CPI is high?
The CPI of a workload depends both on the code, the processor, and the system configuration.
VTune Profiler analyzes the CPI value against the threshold set up by Intel architects. These numbers can be used as a general guide:
Good |
Poor |
0.75 |
4 |
A CPI < 1 is typical for instruction bound code, while a CPI > 1 may show up for a stall cycle bound application, also likely memory bound.
If a CPI value exceeds the threshold, the VTune Profiler highlights this value in pink.
A high value for this ratio (>1) indicates that over the current code region, instructions are taking a high number of processor clocks to execute. This could indicate a problem if most of the instructions are not predominately high latency instructions and/or coming from microcode ROM. In