Visible to Intel only — GUID: ziz1689012371258
1. About the External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 5 FPGA IP
2. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Introduction
3. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Product Architecture
4. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – End-User Signals
5. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Simulating Memory IP
6. Intel® Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP - DDR4 Support
7. Intel® Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP - LPDDR4 Support
8. Intel® Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP - LPDDR5 Support
9. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Timing Closure
10. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Controller Optimization
11. Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP – Debugging
12. Document Revision History for External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide
3.2.1. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: I/O Subsystem
3.2.2. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: I/O SSM
3.2.3. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: HSIO Bank
3.2.4. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: I/O Lane
3.2.5. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: Input DQS Clock Tree
3.2.6. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: PHY Clock Tree
3.2.7. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: PLL Reference Clock Networks
3.2.8. Agilex™ 5 EMIF Architecture: Clock Phase Alignment
3.2.9. User Clock in Different Core Access Modes 1 Rank x 8 Discrete (Memory Down) Topology 1 Rank x 16 Discrete (Memory Down) Topology VREF_CA/RESET Signal Routing Guidelines for 1 Rank x 8 and 1 Rank x 16 Discrete (Memory Down) Topology Skew Matching Guidelines for DDR4 (Memory Down) Discrete Configurations Power Delivery Recommendation for DDR4 Discrete Configurations DDR4 Simulation Strategy
11.1. Interface Configuration Performance Issues
11.2. Functional Issue Evaluation
11.3. Timing Issue Characteristics
11.4. Verifying Memory IP Using the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
11.5. Generating Traffic with the Test Engine IP
11.6. Guidelines for Developing HDL for Traffic Generator
11.7. Hardware Debugging Guidelines
11.8. Create a Simplified Design that Demonstrates the Same Issue
11.9. Measure Power Distribution Network
11.10. Measure Signal Integrity and Setup and Hold Margin
11.11. Vary Voltage
11.12. Operate at a Lower Speed
11.13. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in Previous Versions of Software
11.14. Determine Whether the Issue Exists in the Current Version of Software
11.15. Try A Different PCB
11.16. Try Other Configurations
11.17. Debugging Checklist
11.18. Categorizing Hardware Issues
11.19. Signal Integrity Issues
11.20. Characteristics of Signal Integrity Issues
11.21. Evaluating Signal Integrity Issues
11.22. Skew
11.23. Crosstalk
11.24. Power System
11.25. Clock Signals
11.26. Address and Command Signals
11.27. Read Data Valid Window and Eye Diagram
11.28. Write Data Valid Window and Eye Diagram
11.29. Hardware and Calibration Issues
11.30. Memory Timing Parameter Evaluation
11.31. Verify that the Board Has the Correct Memory Component or DIMM Installed
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ziz1689012371258
4.3.6. s0_axi4 for EMIF
Fabric AXI interface to controller.
Port Name | Direction | Description |
Write Address (Command) Channel | ||
s0_axi4_awaddr | input | Write address |
s0_axi4_awburst | input | Write burst type.
s0_axi4_awid | input | Write address ID |
s0_axi4_awlen | input | Write burst length. Any value between 0 and 255 is valid, representing a transfer of 1 to 256 beats. |
s0_axi4_awlock | input | Write lock type. This 2-bit signal is used to control exclusive accesses and locking.
s0_axi4_awqos | input | Write quality of service. Supported priority values range from 0 to 3, with 0 as the lowest priority. |
s0_axi4_awsize | input | Write burst size. AWSIZE = 5 (32 bytes) is supported by the memory controller when the AXI port is 256 bits, and only AWSIZE = 4 (16 bytes) is supported by the memory controller when the AXI port is 128 bits. |
s0_axi4_awvalid | input | Write address valid |
s0_axi4_awuser | input | Write address user signal.
s0_axi4_awprot | input | Write protection type. This 2-bit signal is used to control privileged and secure accesses.
s0_axi4_awready | output | Write address ready |
Write Data Channel | ||
s0_axi4_wdata | input | Write data |
s0_axi4_wlast | input | Write last. This signal indicates the last transfer in a write burst. |
s0_axi4_wready | output | Write ready. Indicates that the AXI port is ready to accept write data. |
s0_axi4_wstrb | input | Write strobes |
s0_axi4_wuser | input | Write user signal. Only applicable to the x40/x72 lockstep cases. The additional user bits to be written are sent on this interface. If a x36 interface is used, then only the lowest 32-bits are connected. |
s0_axi4_wvalid | input | Write valid |
Write Response Channel | ||
s0_axi4_bready | input | Response ready |
s0_axi4_bid | output | Write response ID |
s0_axi4_bresp | output | Write response. A response is sent for the entire burst.
s0_axi4_bvalid | output | Write response valid. |
Read Address (Command) Channel | ||
s0_axi4_araddr | input | Read address. |
s0_axi4_arburst | input | Read burst type.
s0_axi4_arid | input | Read write address ID |
s0_axi4_arlen | input | Read burst length. Any value between 0 and 128 255 is valid, representing a transfer of 1 to 256 beats. |
s0_axi4_arlock | input | Read lock type. This 2-bit signal is used to control exclusive accesses and locking.
s0_axi4_arqos | input | Read quality of service Supported priority values range from 0 to 3, with 0 as the lowest priority |
s0_axi4_arsize | input | Read burst size. AWSIZE = 5 (32 bytes) is supported by the memory controller when the AXI port is 256 bits, and only AWSIZE = 4 (16 bytes) is supported by the memory controller when the AXI port is 128 bits. |
s0_axi4_arvalid | input | Read address valid. |
s0_axi4_aruser | inout | Read address user signal.
s0_axi4_arprot | input | Read protection type. This 2-bit signal is used to control privileged ad secure accesses.
s0_axi4_arready | output | Read address ready |
Ready Data Channel | ||
s0_axi4_rdata | output | Read data |
s0_axi4_rid | output | Read ID |
s0_axi4_rlast | output | Read last. This signal indicates the last transfer in a read burst. |
s0_axi4_rready | input | Read ready |
s0_axi4_rresp | output | read response. A response is sent with each burst, indicating the status of that burst.
s0_axi4_ruser | output | Read user signal. Only applicable to the x40/x72 lockstep cases. These are the additional user bits received on this interface. If a x36 interface is used, then only the lowest 32-bits are connected. |
s0_axi4_rvalid | output | Read valid. |