External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683216
Date 1/30/2025
Document Table of Contents

7.1.5. Intel® Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series EMIF IP QDR-IV Parameters: Controller

Table 136.  Group: Controller
Display Name Description
Maximum Avalon-MM burst length Specifies the maximum burst length on the Avalon-MM bus. This is used to configure the FIFOs to be able to manage the maximum data burst. More core logic is required for an increase in FIFO length. (Identifier: CTRL_QDR4_AVL_MAX_BURST_COUNT)
Generate power-of-2 data bus widths for Qsys If enabled, the Avalon data bus width is rounded down to the nearest power-of-2. The width of the symbols within the data bus is also rounded down to the nearest power-of-2. You should only enable this option if you plan to connect the memory interface to Platform Designer interconnect components that require the data bus and symbol width to be a power-of-2. If this option is enabled, you cannot utilize the full density of the memory device.

For example, in x36 data width upon selecting this parameter, defines the Avalon data bus to 256-bit. This ignores the upper 4-bit of data width.

Additional read-after-write turnaround time Specifies an additional number of idle memory cycles when switching the data bus (of a single port) from a write to a read. (Identifier: CTRL_QDR4_ADD_RAW_TURNAROUND_DELAY_CYC)
Additional write-after-read turnaround time Specifies an additional number of idle memory cycles when switching the data bus (of a single port) from a read to a write. (Identifier: CTRL_QDR4_ADD_WAR_TURNAROUND_DELAY_CYC)