External Memory Interfaces Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683216
Date 1/30/2025
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6.1.5. Intel® Agilex™ 7 F-Series and I-Series EMIF IP DDR4 Parameters: Mem Timing

These parameters should be read from the table in the datasheet associated with the speed bin of the memory device (not necessarily the frequency at which the interface is running).
Table 85.  Group: Mem Timing / Parameters dependent on Speed Bin
Display Name Description
Speed bin The speed grade of the memory device used. This parameter refers to the maximum rate at which the memory device is specified to run. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_SPEEDBIN_ENUM)
tIS (base) tIS (base) refers to the setup time for the Address/Command/Control (A) bus to the rising edge of CK. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TIS_PS)
tIS (base) AC level tIS (base) AC level refers to the voltage level which the address/command signal must cross and remain above during the setup margin window. The signal is considered stable only if it remains above this voltage level (for a logic 1) or below this voltage level (for a logic 0) for the entire setup period. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TIS_AC_MV)
tIH (base) tIH (base) refers to the hold time for the Address/Command (A) bus after the rising edge of CK. Depending on what AC level you have chosen for a design, the hold margin can vary (this variance is determined automatically when you choose the "tIH (base) AC level"). (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TIH_PS)
tIH (base) DC level tIH (base) DC level refers to the voltage level which the address/command signal must not cross during the hold window. The signal is considered stable only if it remains above this voltage level (for a logic 1) or below this voltage level (for a logic 0) for the entire hold period. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TIH_DC_MV)
TdiVW_total TdiVW_total describes the minimum horizontal width of the DQ eye opening required by the receiver (memory device/DIMM). It is measured in UI (1UI = half the memory clock period). (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDIVW_TOTAL_UI)
VdiVW_total VdiVW_total describes the Rx Mask voltage, or the minimum vertical width of the DQ eye opening required by the receiver (memory device/DIMM). It is measured in mV. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_VDIVW_TOTAL)
tDQSQ tDQSQ describes the latest valid transition of the associated DQ pins for a READ. tDQSQ specifically refers to the DQS, DQS# to DQ skew. It is the length of time between the DQS, DQS# crossing to the last valid transition of the slowest DQ pin in the DQ group associated with that DQS strobe. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDQSQ_UI)
tQH tQH specifies the output hold time for the DQ in relation to DQS, DQS#. It is the length of time between the DQS, DQS# crossing to the earliest invalid transition of the fastest DQ pin in the DQ group associated with that DQS strobe. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TQH_UI)
tDVWp Data valid window per device per pin (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDVWP_UI)
tDQSCK tDQSCK describes the skew between the memory clock (CK) and the input data strobes (DQS) used for reads. It is the time between the rising data strobe edge (DQS, DQS#) relative to the rising CK edge. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDQSCK_PS)
tDQSS tDQSS describes the skew between the memory clock (CK) and the output data strobes used for writes. It is the time between the rising data strobe edge (DQS, DQS#) relative to the rising CK edge. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDQSS_CYC)
tQSH tQSH refers to the differential High Pulse Width, which is measured as a percentage of tCK. It is the time during which the DQS is high for a read. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TQSH_CYC)
tDSH tDSH specifies the write DQS hold time. This is the time difference between the rising CK edge and the falling edge of DQS, measured as a percentage of tCK. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDSH_CYC)
tDSS tDSS describes the time between the falling edge of DQS to the rising edge of the next CK transition. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TDSS_CYC)
tWLS tWLS describes the write leveling setup time. It is measured from the rising edge of CK to the rising edge of DQS. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TWLS_CYC)
tWLH tWLH describes the write leveling hold time. It is measured from the rising edge of DQS to the rising edge of CK. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TWLH_CYC)
tINIT tINIT describes the time duration of the memory initialization after a device power-up. After RESET_n is de-asserted, wait for another 500us until CKE becomes active. During this time, the DRAM begins internal initialization; this occurs independently of external clocks. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TINIT_US)
tMRD The mode register set command cycle time, tMRD is the minimum time period required between two MRS commands. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TMRD_CK_CYC)
tRAS tRAS describes the activate to precharge duration. A row cannot be deactivated until the tRAS time has been met. Therefore tRAS determines how long the memory has to wait after a activate command before a precharge command can be issued to close the row. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRAS_NS)
tRCD tRCD, row command delay, describes the active to read/write time. It is the amount of delay between the activation of a row through the RAS command and the access to the data through the CAS command. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRCD_NS)
tRP tRP refers to the Precharge (PRE) command period. It describes how long it takes for the memory to disable access to a row by precharging and before it is ready to activate a different row. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRP_NS)
tWR tWR refers to the Write Recovery time. It specifies the amount of clock cycles needed to complete a write before a precharge command can be issued. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TWR_NS)
Table 86.  Group: Mem Timing / Parameters dependent on Speed Bin, Operating Frequency, and Page Size
Display Name Description
tRRD_S tRRD_S refers to the Activate to Activate Command Period (short). It is the minimum time interval between two activate commands to the different bank groups. For 3DS devices, this parameter is the same as tRRD_S_slr (i.e. tRRD_S within the same logical rank) in the memory data sheet. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRRD_S_CYC)
tRRD_L tRRD_L refers to the Activate to Activate Command Period (long). It is the minimum time interval (measured in memory clock cycles) between two activate commands to the same bank group. For 3DS devices, this parameter is the same as tRRD_L_slr (i.e. tRRD_L within the same logical rank) in the memory data sheet. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRRD_L_CYC)
tRRD_dlr tRRD_dlr refers to the Activate to Activate Command Period to Different Logical Ranks. It is the minimum time interval (measured in memory clock cycles) between two activate commands to different logical ranks within a 3DS DDR4 device. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRRD_DLR_CYC)
tFAW tFAW refers to the four activate window time. It describes the period of time during which only four banks can be active. For 3DS devices, this parameter is the same as tFAW_slr (i.e. tFAW within the same logical rank) in the memory data sheet. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TFAW_NS)
tCCD_S tCCD_S refers to the CAS_n-to-CAS_n delay (short). It is the minimum time interval between two read/write (CAS) commands to different bank groups. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TCCD_S_CYC)
tCCD_L tCCD_L refers to the CAS_n-to-CAS_n delay (long). It is the minimum time interval between two read/write (CAS) commands to the same bank group. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TCCD_L_CYC)
tWTR_S tWTR_S or Write Timing Parameter refers to the Write to Read period for different bank groups. It describes the delay from start of internal write transaction to internal read command, for accesses to the different bank group. The delay is measured from the first rising memory clock edge after the last write data is received to the rising memory clock edge when a read command is received. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TWTR_S_CYC)
tWTR_L tWTR_L or Write Timing Parameter refers to the Write to Read period for the same bank group. It describes the delay from start of internal write transaction to internal read command, for accesses to the same bank group. The delay is measured from the first rising memory clock edge after the last write data is received to the rising memory clock edge when a read command is received. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TWTR_L_CYC)
Table 87.  Group: Mem Timing / Parameters dependent on Density and Temperature
Display Name Description
tRFC tRFC refers to the Refresh Cycle Time. It is the amount of delay after a refresh command before an activate command can be accepted by the memory. This parameter is dependent on the memory density and is necessary for proper hardware functionality. For 3DS devices, this parameter is the same as tRFC_slr (i.e. tRFC within the same logical rank) in the memory data sheet. (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TRFC_NS)
tREFI tREFI refers to the average periodic refresh interval. It is the maximum amount of time the memory can tolerate in between each refresh command (Identifier: MEM_DDR4_TREFI_US)