AXI Multichannel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 817911
Date 7/22/2024
Document Table of Contents FLR Completion Interface (ss_flrcmpl)

Interface clock: axi_lite_clk

Table 22.  FLR Completion Interface
Signal Name Direction Description
app_ss_st_flrcmpl_tvalid Output

When asserted, indicates a FLR request completed by MCDMA. The signal is valid for one clock cycle.

app_ss_st_flrcmpl_tdata [21:0] Output

[2:0] - The PF number of FLR Completion

[13:3] - Indicates child VF number of parent PF indicated by PF number.

[14] - Indicates completion is from Virtual Function implemented in the slot's Physical Function.

[19:15] - The slot number of FLR completion

[21:20] – The PF number of FLR Request (PF[4:3])