AN 755: Implementing JESD204B IP Core System Reference Design with ARM HPS As Control Unit (Baremetal Flow)

ID 683776
Date 12/30/2015
Document Table of Contents

1.3.5. Test Pattern Checker

The test pattern checker checks one of three patterns—parallel PRBS, alternate checkerboard, or ramp wave—from the transport layer during test mode. The test pattern checker has many customization options and you can modify the test pattern checker HDL code to customize it to your specifications. Furthermore, for certain parameters like M, S, N, and test mode, the test pattern checker shares the CSR values with the JESD204B IP core. This means that any dynamic reconfiguration operation that affects those values for the JESD204B IP core will affect the test pattern checker in the same way. This includes the pattern type (PRBS, alternate checkerboard, ramp) which is controlled by the test mode CSR. The software instructions to execute dynamic reconfiguration of the test pattern checker are described in the User Commands section.

Note: The test pattern checker is implemented in the top level HDL file, not in the Qsys project.