Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1447716793729
Visible to Intel only — GUID: iga1447716793729
Ixiasoft Designing with Verification in Mind
As you design, you should focus on both the development tasks and the verification strategy. Doing so results in a design that is easier to verify. If you create large, complicated blocks of logic and wait until the HDL code is complete before testing, you spend more time verifying your design than if you verify it one section at a time.
Consider leaving in verification code after the individual sections of your design are working. If you remove too much verification logic it becomes very difficult to reintroduce it at a later time if needed. If you discover an issue during system integration, you may need to revisit some of the smaller block designs. If you modify one of the smaller blocks, you must re-test it to verify that you have not created additional issues.
Designing with verification in mind is not limited to leaving verification hooks in your design. Reserving enough hardware resources to perform proper verification is also important. The following recommendations can help you avoid running out of hardware resources:
- Design and verify using a larger pin-compatible FPGA.
- Reserve hardware resources for verification in the design plan.
- Design the logic so that optional features can be removed to free up verification resources.
Finally, schedule a nightly regression test of your design to increase your test coverage between hardware or software compilations.