Embedded Design Handbook

ID 683689
Date 8/28/2023
Document Table of Contents Building Hardware Design in Platform Designer (Standard)

You must create a new Intel® Quartus® Prime project before including the hardware design components in the Platform Designer (Standard).
  1. Open Platform Designer (Standard) from Tool menu in Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition.
  2. Add the following components to your system:
    • Nios® II Processor IP core
    • On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM) core
    • Intel FPGA On-Chip Flash IP core
    • JTAG UART core
    • System ID Peripheral core
    • PIO (Parallel I/O) core
  3. Connect the components as shown below:
    Figure 247. System Connections
    Note: The debug_reset_request signal from Nios® II processor must be connected to Nios® II reset signal.

    Before you generate the Platform Designer (Standard) system, you may have some warning and error messages. This is due to the overlap of base address, reset vector and exception vector in Nios II processor which are not set to any memory devices.

  4. Double click on Nios® II Processor IP component to edit its parameters.
  5. Under the Vector tab:
    1. Select onchip_flash.data for Reset Vector to set the reset vector to On-chip Flash IP core.
    2. Select onchip_flash.data for Exception Vector to set the exception vector to On-chip Flash IP core.
  6. Under the JTAG Debug tab:
    1. Select Include JTAG Debug and set the number of hardware breakpoint to 4.
  7. Under the System tab, click on Assign Base Addresses.
  8. Following the steps 4-7 clears all warning and error messages. Click File>Save to save changes.
  9. Click Generate HDL... to generate the Platform Designer (Standard) system.