Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683619
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Voltage Settings

The Voltage page specifies the default VCCIO I/O bank voltage and the default I/O bank voltage for the pins on the target device. VCCIO I/O bank voltage settings made in the Voltage page are overridden by I/O standard assignments made on I/O pins in their respective banks.

Ensure that the settings in the Voltage page match the settings in your PCB schematic, especially if the target device includes transceivers.

The Voltage page settings requirements differ depending on the settings of the transceiver instances in the design. Refer to the Fitter report for the required settings, and verify that the voltage settings are correctly set up for your PCB schematic.

After verifying your settings in the Device and Settings dialog boxes, you can verify your device pin-out with the Fitter report.