Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: PCB Design Tools

ID 683619
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.7.7. Excluding Pins as Aggressor Signals

The SSN Analyzer uses the following conditions to exclude pins as aggressor signals for a specific victim pin:
  • A pin that is a complement of the victim pin. For example, any pin that is assigned a differential I/O standard cannot be an aggressor pin.
  • A programming pin or JTAG pin because these pins are not active in user mode.
  • Pins that have the same output enable signal as a bidirectional victim pin that the SSN Analyzer analyzes as an input pin. Pins with the same output enable signal also act as input pins and therefore cannot be aggressor pins at the same time.
  • Pins in the same synchronous group as a victim output pin.
  • A pin assigned the I/O Maximum Toggle Rate logic option with a frequency setting of zero. The SSN Analyzer does not consider pins with this setting as aggressor pins.