100G Interlaken Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683338
Date 9/20/2022

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3.4. Transceiver Reference Clock Frequency

The Transceiver reference clock frequency parameter specifies the expected frequency of the pll_ref_clk input clock.

If the actual frequency of the pll_ref_clk input clock does not match the value you specify for this parameter, the design fails in both simulation and hardware.

Table 12.  100G Interlaken IP Core Supported pll_ref_clk FrequenciesThe sets of valid frequencies vary with the per-lane data rate of the transceivers.

Per-Lane Data Rate

Valid pll_ref_clk Frequencies (MHz)


206.25, 257.8125, 322.265625, 412.5, 515.625, 644.53125

12.5, 6.25

156.25, 195.3125, 250, 312.5, 390.625, 500, 625

The default value of the Transceiver reference clock frequency parameter is 412.5  MHz.