Visible to Intel only — GUID: dfx1619082835658
Visible to Intel only — GUID: dfx1619082835658
40.4. TMO IP Registers
The IP offers the following categories of run-time configuration parameters:
- Flow control parameters that allow you to put the TMO IP into either reset, bypass, or operational mode.
- Status and debug parameters that provide information about compile-time parameters and current status of the TMO IP
- Video configuration parameters that allow you to configure the input video frame geometry
- Image statistics collection parameters that allow you to configure the tile’s dimension
Register Name | Byte Address Offset | Access Type |
vid_pid | 0x000 | RO |
version_number | 0x004 | RO |
reserved_area | 0x140 – 0x147 | Reserved |
ip_information_0 | 0x148 | RO |
ip_information_1 | 0x14C | RO |
ip_information_2 | 0x150 | RO |
vid_flow_control | 0x154 | RW |
actv_vid_size | 0x158 | RW |
volume_control | 0x15C | RW |
tmo_derived_parameters | 0x160 – 0x1D0 | Reserved. |
roi_horizontal_pos | 0x1D4 | RW |
roi_vertical_pos | 0x1D8 | RW |
reserved_area | 0x1D0 – 0x17F | Reserved. |
Bits | Description |
31:0 |
Product Identification Number. |
Bits | Description |
31:0 |
Version Number. |
Bits | Description |
31:0 |
Reserved register area |
Bits | Description |
27:24 |
Number of tiles (C_TILE) |
23:16 |
AXI4-Stream data width |
11:8 |
Pixels in parallel (C_PIXELS) |
7:4 |
Components per sample (C_STREAMS) |
3:0 | Bits per component (C_DEPTH) |
Bits | Description |
29:25 |
Fractional precision for luminance weights (C_FRAC_PREC_MLUT) |
24:20 |
Fractional precision for TMO volume control (C_FRAC_PREC_VOLCNTR) |
19:15 | Fractional precision for RGB to luma conversion (C_FRAC_PREC_RGB2LUMA) |
14:10 |
Fractional precision for luma to RGB conversion (C_FRAC_PREC_LUMA2RGB) |
9:5 | Histogram address data width (C_HIST_ADDR_WIDTH) |
4:0 | Histogram data width (C_HIST_DATA_WIDTH) |
Bits | Description |
21:17 |
Fractional precision for interpolation (C_FRAC_PREC_INTP) |
16:12 |
Fractional precision for histogram equalization (C_FRAC_PREC_HEQ) |
11:0 | Fractional precision for histogram normalization factor (C_NORM_FACT) |
Bits | Description |
31 | Soft-reset bit. When set to 1 the TMO IP is in reset. |
2 | Swap region bit for region of interest mode. 0: Process inside of the selected region and bypass outside. 1: Process outside of the selected region and process outside. The IP ignores this bit in bypass mode. |
1 | Region of Interest bit. Set to 1 to put the TMO IP in region of interest mode. Swap region bit determines whether inside or outside of the region of interest is processed or bypassed. The IP ignores this bit in bypass mode. |
0 | Bypass bit. Set to 1 to put the TMO IP into bypass mode. |
Bits | Description |
Total number of active pixels per video line (C_WIDTH) |
Total number of active lines per video frame (C_HEIGHT) |
Bits | Description |
29:16 | Horizontal pixel coordinate where rectangular region of interest starts. |
13:0 | Horizontal pixel coordinate where rectangular region of interest ends. |
Bits | Description |
29:16 | Vertical pixel coordinate where rectangular region of interest starts. |
13:0 | Vertical pixel coordinate where rectangular region of interest ends. |
Bits | Description |
22:16 |
Fine-level TMO volume control. Valid range [0:100] decimal |
13:0 |
Coarse-level TMO strength threshold. Valid range [0:9000] decimal |
Bits | Description |
31:0 |
This area is reserved for all derived parameter registers. Do not write or read from it. |