Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

7.4.1. Using the SDM Debug Toolkit

To use the Stratix® 10 SDM Debug Toolkit, bring up the System Console in the same version of the Quartus® Prime software that you used to configure the Stratix® 10 device.

Complete the following steps to become familiar with the Stratix® 10 SDM Debug Toolkit:

  1. In a Nios® II command shell, type the following command:
    % system-console
  2. Under Stratix® 10 SDM Debug Toolkit click Launch.
  3. Verify that the Intel® FPGA Download Cable II connects to the PC and the 10-pin JTAG header connects to the Stratix® 10 device.
  4. In the Stratix® 10 SDM Debug Toolkit, click Refresh Connections. The Refresh Connections is above the tabs in the SDM Debug Toolkit GUI.
  5. On the Configuration Status tab, click Read Configuration Status. The following figure shows the Configuration Status after a successful read. For information about decoding the State output value, refer to the CONFIG_STATUS command.
    Figure 101. Read Configuration Status Command