Stratix® 10 Configuration User Guide

ID 683762
Date 11/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.7. Maximum Configuration Time Estimation

Hyper Initialization is an option that can be enabled or disabled through the setting in the Quartus® Prime software to initialize or reset the Hyperflex® registers to a known state at device configuration. By default, this option is off. For information about register initialization, refer to Device Initialization. For more information about Hyperflex® registers, refer to the Hyperflex® Architecture High-Performance Design Handbook.

In AVST mode, to optimize configuration time during the initial configuration after power-on reset (POR) and during reconfiguration, the external host should be prepared to send data to the device before driving nCONFIG high. Once nCONFIG and nSTATUS are high, the host may begin transmitting data as soon as the device asserts the AVST_READY signal when it is ready to receive data. This ensures that there is minimal delay from the device waiting for the host to start sending data after AVST_READY is asserted. Following this procedure does not affect the configuration process.

The configuration time is the time estimated for the entire configuration state. For more information, refer to Power-On, Configuration, and Reconfiguration Timing Diagram.

The maximum configuration time is estimated when the device starts configuration until CONF_DONE is asserted to high.

Table 10.  Maximum Configuration Time Estimation for Stratix® 10 Devices ( Avalon® -ST)
Note: Provided configuration times are based on the AVST_CLK = 125 MHz.
Variant Product Line Maximum Configuration Time (ms) [Hyper Initialization Off/Hyper Initialization On]
AVST ×8 9 AVST ×16 9 AVST ×32 9
Configuration Clock Source: Internal Oscillator Configuration Clock Source: OSC_CLK_1 (25/100/125 MHz) Configuration Clock Source: Internal Oscillator Configuration Clock Source: OSC_CLK_1 (25/100/125 MHz) Configuration Clock Source: Internal Oscillator Configuration Clock Source: OSC_CLK_1 (25/100/125 MHz)
Stratix® 10 GX, SX, TX, MX, and DX GX 400, SX 400, TX 400 183/222 122/148 108/147 72/98 90/129 60/86
GX 650, SX 650 274/334 182/222 154/216 102/144 120/184 80/122
GX 850, GX 1100, SX 850, SX 1100, TX 850, TX 1100, DX 1100 456/1,200 304/378 246/358 164/238 190/300 126/200
GX 1660, GX 2110, TX 1650, TX 2100, MX 1650, MX 2100, DX 2100 754/852 502/568 394/496 262/330 214/316 142/210
GX 1650, GX 2100, GX 2500, GX 2800, SX 1650, SX 2100, SX 2500, SX 2800, TX 2500, TX 2800, DX 2800 1,102/1,240 734/826 568/708 378/472 300/442 200/294
GX 10M 10 1,446/1,662 964/1,108 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 11.  Maximum Configuration Time Estimation for Stratix® 10 Devices (AS x4)
Note: Provided configuration times are based on the AS_CLK = 115 MHz for Internal Oscillator and AS_CLK = 125 MHz for OSC_CLK_1 (25/100/125 MHz).
Variant Product Line Maximum Configuration Time (ms) [Hyper Initialization Off/Hyper Initialization On]
AS ×4
Configuration Clock Source: Internal Oscillator Configuration Clock Source: OSC_CLK_1 (25/100/125 MHz)
Stratix® 10 GX, SX, TX, MX, and DX GX 400, SX 400, TX 400 408/447 272/298
GX 650, SX 650 568/630 378/420
GX 850, GX 1100, SX 850, SX 1100, TX 850, TX 1100, DX 1100 900/1,012 600/674
GX 1660, GX 2110, TX 1650, TX 2100, MX 1650, MX 2100, DX 2100 1,432/1,534 954/1,022
GX 1650, GX 2100, GX 2500, GX 2800, SX 1650, SX 2100, SX 2500, SX 2800, TX 2500, TX 2800, DX 2800 2,058/2,200 1,372/1,466
9 The maximum configuration time does not include the time incurred from external storage and control logic, and transceiver calibration time.
10 Stratix® 10 GX 10M FPGA has two high-density Stratix® 10 GX FPGA core fabric dies. The values estimate configuration time for one core fabric die.